9 Herbs and Spices that Promote Hair Growth

According to popular wisdom, there are herbs and spices that promote hair growth, enhance color, and restore strength and shine.
9 Herbs and Spices that Promote Hair Growth
Karla Henríquez

Reviewed and approved by the doctor Karla Henríquez.

Written by Karla Henríquez

Last update: 09 August, 2022

Long hair never goes out of style and some herbs and spices promote hair growth. Thus, all it takes to have a great mane is patience, dedication, and healthy habits.

For example, did you know you can apply rosemary and cinnamon for healthier, longer, and prettier hair? Here’s more about the other herbs and spices you can use.

Herbs and spices that promote hair growth

These kinds of hair care treatments are in fact folk remedies. You can easily make them at home and, the best part is, they don’t lead to harmful side effects.

However, people with sensitive skin, allergies, and diseases such as dermatitis and psoriasis should avoid them. This is because they could lead to irritation and other discomforts.

Here are some tips to help you grow healthy strong hair. Are you ready? Let’s do it!


A woman sniffing rosemary, one of the spices that promote hair growth.

No doubt, rosemary is one of the most recommended plants for hair growth. It’s also recommended to give back color and shine to dark hair (medium brown to black) and even to prevent gray hair.

  • Rinsing the hair daily with rosemary water could intensify the color of dark hair and promote growth.

2. Horsetail

Horsetail is well known for its high content of silicon, a mineral that gives strength to hair, nails, and bones.

  • Silicon moisturizes and promotes hair elasticity and strength; thus, makes it more resistant and there’s less breakage.
  • Also, it provides essential nutrients to the hair roots so its use to reverse loss is indispensable. It gives strength and prevents brittle strands.

3. Nettle

This herb is packed with nutrients and some of them promote hair growth. Not only does it prevent loss but it also decreases seborrhea and some types of dandruff.

  • Its high content of vitamins (B, C, and E) reduces the harmful effects of free radicals
  • It also inhibits excessive fat production and stimulates the circulation of hair tissue providing shine and strength
  • Thanks to its cleansing action, it tones up the hair fibers, which also keeps the scalp oxygenated

4. Henna is one of the spices that promote hair growth

Drying and grinding the leaves of this plant will give you an amazing natural hair dye. You can use it to add a vibrant reddish tone to brown manes. Additionally, it’s can also promote hair growth.

5. Chamomile

Chamomile is considered to have anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, both in topical uses, for the treatment of eczema, and for the oral mucosa, in the case of periodontal disease.

As for the hair, although it is best known for its use to lighten and shine, chamomile also relaxes the scalp and hair fibers, helping to reduce hair loss and promoting hair growth. An infusion can be prepared for use as a rinse after shampooing.

6. Cinnamon

Powdered and whole cinnamon.

Some believe that cinnamon can help brighten up brown tones and stimulate blood circulation in the scalp, which, in turn, promotes hair growth.

As in the previous case, use it as a mask or homemade tonic, just apply it weekly to the scalp in order to benefit from its properties. Make it with the bark or powder you use for cooking.

7. Ginkgo biloba is among he spices that promote hair growth

According to studies, ginkgo biloba can help improve circulation and regenerate scalp tissue, among others, so regularly applying it to the hair root promotes growth.

8. Linden or linden

Its medicinal uses are many. For example, it can attenuate the symptoms of the common cold. In the case of the scalp, it can soothe irritation as well as reduce excess oil.

9. Curry

Curry is a mixture of spices that, according to popular belief, helps nourish the hair and promotes growth. Furthermore, make a paste or a mask and apply it weekly to your hair to benefit from it.

Other things to consider besides spices that promote hair growth

In order to promote hair growth, you must maintain a balanced diet and other good lifestyle habits. In addition, it’s essential to use the right care and cleaning products, depending on your hair type.

A woman holding essential oils.

When you make foods like fish, yogurt, and oatmeal a regular part of your diet, they provide the protein balance necessary to keep your hair healthy.

Finally, avoid harsh chemical products that weaken your hair roots. Also, be moderate in the use of hot hair appliances and give your hair the love and care it deserves.

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

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This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.