Habits that Happy Couples Should Avoid at All Costs

A happy relationship is a blessing, so you need to care for it and dedicate time and attention to it.
Habits that Happy Couples Should Avoid at All Costs
Bernardo Peña

Reviewed and approved by the psychologist Bernardo Peña.

Written by Bernardo Peña

Last update: 27 May, 2022

Happy couples should maintain and nurture their relationship so that it can flower. Their connection needs to be cared for every day,  and it’s crucial to banish bad habits when living together.

These habits often appear as time passes, and they can be very damaging for couples:

  • Tiredness
  • Distrust
  • Distance
  • Lack of interest
  • Lack of support

8 habits that happy couples should avoid

It’s important to know how to recognize these habits so that you can avoid them if you genuinely want to be happy with your partner.

1. Wanting to change your partner

happy couples

A couple doesn’t necessarily have to agree on everything. In fact, it’s quite normal for disagreements.

The success of an emotional relationship lies in the ability of both parties to learn about each other, respect each other, accept each other, and understand that there will always remain certain differences.

When one person doesn’t accept the way their partner is and is constantly trying to change them, this could mean that they don’t love them or perhaps are not with the right partner for them.

2. Not spending time together

It’s good to have a common space, despite daily activities, responsibilities and stress. Happy couples look after this space so as to enjoy their intimate moments together.

Any lack of time or connection can make things harder, and can even create distance between them.

3. Being defensive or critical

Being defensive or critical

Always being defensive, always saying the first thing that comes into your head, criticizing, or always voicing your opinion, can be quite tiresome.

All of us have defects, and constant criticism just lowers out self-esteem. This can make someone become more distant or even seek a way out of the relationship.

4. Routine

Routine is a difficult habit to quit. After all, life is not a continuous adventure. It’s inevitable in all walks of life.

What a couple shouldn’t allow, however, is that their routine makes the relationship monotonous.

5. Lies and deceit

Lies and deceit

There are people in the world who lie and who can turn relationships toxic, which in turn destroys trust between people.

Infidelity and betrayal can completely destroy the love between two people. It’s very difficult to trust someone later on because of these types of experiences.

6. Egoism

Happy couples share the decisions that impact their daily life and their future. 

If they make decisions like this independently without thinking about the other persons goals or dreams, it’s much more likely that the relationship won’t last.

7. Turning your back on your problems

Turning your back on your problems

All relationships are different. None are perfect. There are always disagreements, disappointments, or sad times. The most destructive thing, however, is to ignore your problems, keep quiet, do nothing, and fail to resolve the problem.

This lack of communication doesn’t help deal with the issue. In fact, it makes things worse, creating a stalemate which can generate even more misunderstandings.

A stable and mature couple tries to maintain honest communication and do everything they can to solve any problem together.

8. Not having sex

Intimacy is crucial for a couple to stay united in the long term. By this, we mean that their sexual relationships need to be satisfying.

Sex helps to strengthen the bond, but often couples put it off because daily life has tired them out.

Sexual relations change as the years go by, but are fundamental to keep that aspect of the relationship alive and share those essential moments together.


A relationship is always complicated and needs constant attention. However, if you avoid these habits, you’ll be able to prevent hardship and misunderstandings, making sure that you maintain a healthy and happy connection.

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

  • Rivera, D., Cruz, C., & Muñoz, C. (2011). Satisfacción en las relaciones de pareja en la adultez emergente: El rol del apego, la intimidad y la depresión. Terapia Psicologica. https://doi.org/10.4067/S0718-48082011000100008
  • Barón, M. J. O., Zapiain, J. G., & Apodaca, P. (2002). Apego y satisfacción afectivo-sexual en la pareja. Psicothema.
  • Guzmán, M., & Contreras, P. (2012). Estilos de Apego en Relaciones de Pareja y su Asociación con la Satisfacción Marital. Psykhe (Santiago). https://doi.org/10.4067/S0718-22282012000100005

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.