6 Habits that Damage Your Liver

Here are six habits that damage your liver. You should be familiar with them so you can make the best choices for your health.
6 Habits that Damage Your Liver
Valeria Sabater

Reviewed and approved by psychologist Valeria Sabater.

Written by Valeria Sabater

Last update: 27 May, 2022

How can you know if you’re taking care of your liver properly? Sometimes, you make bad choices without knowing it. You may have habits that damage your liver without even knowing it, for example. The liver is one of the most important and delicate organs in your body. Its purpose is to filter toxins, produce bile, transforms carbohydrates, proteins, minerals, and vitamins… Why not learn how to take care of it a little better?

What are some habits that damage your liver?

You can never know too much about these topics. The liver is an essential organ in your body. The functions that it performs are essential for your health. That’s why mishandling it can something lead to consequences that you will notice immediately. For example, who has not suffered from inflammation once in a while?

If you’re suffering from a liver disease, the first step to health is to get to know the type of diet that’s bad for the liver. You should choose such a diet that reduces toxin or fat accumulation, which are substance that can damage the liver. Let’s take a look at some of the common habits that damage your liver.

1. High cholesterol intake

Consuming too much cholesterol is one of the habits that damage your liver

Cholesterol is a type if fat that the liver synthesizes. Your body tends to use it as energy for a lot of your cells. In fact, it’s an essential element for many of your body’s functions. But there should be a balance in how much of it you get.

That’s because the cholesterol that your body doesn’t use must be eliminated. The liver has to deal with the excesses. If you force the liver to process more than it expects, you may end up causing it to develop certain diseases or conditions, like the well known “fatty liver,” for example. This is one of the most common diseases in the world according to the WHO (World Health Organization).

So you should avoid red meat, junk food, and other foods with excessive quantities of fat. Instead, replace them with foods high in fiber, vegetables, and fruits.

2. Going to bed late or waking up late

Not sleeping enough of the one of the habits that damage your liver

Are you surprised? Most likely. Since you were young, your parents always told you that you should go to bed early, a habit that we often ignore as we grow up due to our obligations or sometimes just because we want to.

The reality is that your body is designed so that at certain times in the night, it carries out certain detoxification processes. Your lymphatic system, for example, carries out detoxification first. Somewhere between twelve and two in the morning, the liver performs its own.

These processes can only be carried out properly when you’re in the deep sleep state. If you break these natural cycles in your body frequently, you will end up feeling it. Try to follow a schedule as much as you can. One of the most important parts of that schedule should be enough sleep.

3. Not urinating when you want to go

Holding in your urine is one of the habits that damage your liver

This will surely surprise you as well. There are people that wake up in a hurry and leave the house with the intention of eating breakfast or drinking coffee at work. Only when they get there do they then look for a bathroom to relieve themselves in peace.

This is a dangerous habit. Holding your urge to urinate can not only damage your kidneys, but also your liver. Avoid doing it!

4. Not eating breakfast

Skipping breakfast is one of the habits that damage your liver


When you wake up, your energy reserves of glucose are very low. This state affects your liver and prevents it from getting enough energy to perform its essential functions. There are also a lot of people who skip breakfast to lose weight (a big mistake), or because they’re in a hurry and they ignore the importance of this meal.

Don’t skip it. Don’t forget that breakfast plays a critical role in your nutrition, liver health, and performance. Your body needs this essential energy to start the day.

5. A bad diet

Junk food is one of the habits that damage your liver

Sometimes you do it because you lack time due to your job or other obligations.It’s easier to resort to fast food because, not only is it satisfying, but it also saves you time. In the long run, however, your health will feel it.

Eating junk food is one of the habits that damage your liver which could lead to diseases. The liver is very sensitive to poor dieting, the combination of sodium, calories, sugar, salt is bad for it. These negative substances often lead to excess cholesterol and problems like fatty liver.

Many times, liver dysfunction is a consequence of a poor diet that’s high in fat and other harmful elements. Keep that in mind.

6. Alcoholic Beverages

Alcohol is one of the habits that damage your liver

We all know it. Of all the habits that damage your liver, alcohol is the worst. It’s difficult to process, it damages the liver, and it affects its ability to perform its basic functions.

This leads to a chemical imbalance in the organ, destroying its liver cells and causing issues such as fatty liver, hepatitis, cirrhosis, etc. It’s true that some experts recommend drinking a glass of wine a day, but don’t go overboard.

Applying some simple changes to your lifestyle will reduce your risk of liver disease. It’s not hard at all and your body will appreciate it. Take care of your liver, take care of your life!

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.