Is it Good to Sleep with Socks On?

Going to sleep with socks on is a matter that people are very divided on. Read about the disadvantages and advantages, then make an informed opinion for yourself.
Is it Good to Sleep with Socks On?

Last update: 26 May, 2022

As strange as it may seem, going to sleep with socks on could help you fall asleep and stay asleep. That’s because wearing socks helps regulate your body temperature. This sensation of being warm sends a message to the brain indicating that’s it’s time to rest

Some people need to have their feet “protected” no matter the time of year. However, other people can’t even get to sleep in the wintertime if any extra clothing is making them uncomfortable.

So, what group do you belong to? No matter what the answer, today we want to look into the following question? Is it good to sleep with socks on? Or better to go without? Find out more below.

Is it better to sleep with socks on? 

You could say that there are just as many ways to sleep in the world as there are people.  Some people opt for pajamas, and other people just want more blankets on the bed. Others choose to turn up the heat so they don’t have to use as many blankets.

The same thing happens with socks. Basically, it’s a matter of preference. However, it seems to be true that, if you want to fall asleep and rest better, a good pair of socks could do the trick

According to a publication from the National Sleep Foundation, warming your feet before going to bed sends the brain a message that it’s time to sleep. This has to do with the dilation of blood vessels.

So, it would seem that sleeping with socks on can prevent changes in your body temperature. These changes have the potential to wake you up at night and keep you from falling asleep.

A woman sleeping with socks on.
Sleeping with socks on or off is a matter of preference. However, it could help you fall asleep.

It’s all a matter of temperatures

It goes without saying that resting well helps strengthen the memory, recharge your batters, and even rejuvenate the skin. However, when it comes to sleeping, socks are not an item of preference for many. Just the same, in order to get a good night’s sleep, it’s important to maintain balanced body temperature.

In fact, a study published in the Journal of Physiological Anthropology points out that keeping your feet warm during the night has positive effects on how well and how long you sleep. At the same time, it can reduce the number of times you wake up at night.

However, if your feet are cold, your body is, too. Therefore, the brain has to work more in order to regulate temperature. This makes it hard to relax, keeps you alert and, as a result, makes it hard to fall asleep.

There are other reasons that can cause insomnia, too, of course. For example, physiological changes caused by aging,  tiredness from travel, exposure to extreme temperatures, lack of a balanced diet, etc.

However, using socks during the night can be beneficial when it comes to sleeping restfully. Of course, you also need to exercise regularly and maintain a healthy diet.

A couple wearing socks in bed.
It’s believed that wearing socks to bed helps regulate body temperature and promotes rest. However, there’s a lack of evidence to back up these claims.

How to Sleep With Socks On

Again, wearing socks to bed is a matter of preference and depends on how a person feels most comfortable. However, if you do choose to sleep with socks on, we recommend changing your socks before going to bed.  This means that you should never wear the same socks to bed that you wore for the entire day.

This is not only because they’re dirty, but because they also accumulate sweat, bacteria, and they stain the sheets.  You’ll also need to use a type of sock that isn’t too tight on your feet or ankles and doesn’t cut off circulation.

Whenever possible, use cotton socks, or better yet, special socks that are used for flying or long trips.

So, what about you? Do you like to sleep with socks on?

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