Feng Shui and Aromatherapy to Balance the Energy of Your Home
Feng shui and aromatherapy can be combined. The first involves the use of essential oils extracted from medicinal plants to take advantage of their beneficial effects on physical health or emotions. On the other hand, “wind and water” is the literal translation of the famous art of creating balanced and harmonious environments invented by the ancient Chinese in the Yangtze region more than 3,000 years ago.
According to a book on the basics of feng shui, this is a technique that aims to balance the energies in the home through the location and selection of objects.
In this sense, feng shui and aromatherapy are great allies because the medicinal properties of odors can be combined to influence the energy of the home. This happens because the space is not only configured with visible objects, such as furniture, but light, temperature, and smells are also key.
How do smells influence home decoration and feng shui?
Perfumes have the ability to connect with the most intimate part of the being. In addition, the sense of smell is closely linked to memory. Thus, a smell can evoke memories of the past and generate emotions. Aromas are also directly related to mood.
Home decoration, the choice of objects, and their location are intended to achieve comfortable spaces that provide serenity, harmony, and well-being. In this sense, feng shui seeks to balance the elements of nature within the home.
These elements are water, earth, fire, wood, and metal. Aromas belong to fire and have the ability to activate chi energies within spaces.
Susanna Cots, one of the most recognized interior designers in Spain, has developed her own brand of aromas for the home.
“Scent is one of the invisible elements in the designs we work on that, together with light, distribution and the energy of the color white, which allow us to reinforce moods and promote well-being in the home.” -Susanna Cots
Tips for using scents in the home
In feng shui, simple changes can generate great transformations in the way a place is perceived. This is precisely what happens with aromas. Although they may seem invisible and imperceptible, they have a great impact on the sensations you have.
One of the fundamental tips for using perfumes in the home is that they should be perceptible, but not invading. That is to say, they shouldn’t compete with the other elements of the space. It’s best if they’re fresh and subtle fragrances.
On the other hand, it’s necessary to understand that each corner, room, or living room in a house is designed for certain types of activities. Different types of scents are therefore required for each place.
It’s not enough to have a generic scent for the whole house. Just as in feng shui there are certain types of rules to apply to the flow of energy, each room deserves a scent that contributes to that area.
On the other hand, one of the fundamental principles of feng shui is that everything is alive and relates to each other. That is, the objects in the home can influence our character and feelings.
It’s necessary that everything flows like the constant movement of life.
For these reasons, plants are decorative objects with which the flow of chi in homes is usually encouraged. In this regard, those that generate pleasant aromas, such as roses, lavender, or jasmine, can also be excellent choices.
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What aroma to choose for each space and combine feng shui and aromatherapy?
When you’ve decided that you want to use aromatherapy for your home, the most complicated thing is to decide which scents you’re going to have in each space. On the one hand, it’s necessary to take into account that the smell is pleasant and generates positive sensations. However, you should also consider the properties of each fragrance and its influence on moods.
Living and dining rooms
The living room is one of the most important places for energy to flow. It’s a place frequented by several people and where visitors are received.
The same applies to the dining room. For this reason, it’s an area with a lot of activity and needs stimulating fragrances.
It’s also advisable that they’re aromas that don’t interfere with food – that is to say, that they don’t over-stimulate our sense of smell or generate nausea. Aromas with citrus touches, such as orange or lemon, pine, or ginger, work very well.
Feng shui and aromatherapy: Bedrooms
Bedrooms are places for intimacy and rest. For this reason, it’s necessary that the aromas connect with pleasant sensations for those who sleep there.
It’s indicated to opt for fragrances that promote sleep, relaxation, and rest. Lavender, chamomile, jasmine, roses, and green tea are excellent choices.
Fragrances for the foyer
The foyer is the welcoming area of the home. In feng shui, it has special importance.
Therefore, it’s a good idea to use soft fragrances, which are pleasant to most people. Cinnamon, clove, mandarin, or bergamot are great options.
Feng shui and aromatherapy: Bathrooms
Fresh fragrances, such as eucalyptus, tea tree, or peppermint, are good choices for bathrooms. Also, these scents help promote good breathing and can be used in the shower.
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Opt for healthy products when combining feng shui and aromatherapy
Feng shui and aromatherapy are not only focused on aesthetic puroses. They seek to have an impact on health and emotions. For this reason, it’s important that when choosing your essences, you opt for healthy products.
This clarification is necessary, because many candles or flavorings contain ingredients that are harmful to humans. In this regard, it’s important to buy natural oils, soy scented candles, or flower petal potpourris.
All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.
- El motivo más personal de crear un perfume surge de la necesidad de retener una emoción y hacerla duradera. (s/f). RevistaBeautyProf.com. Recuperado el 15 de abril de 2022, de http://www.revistabeautyprof.com/es/notices/2022/03/-el-motivo-mas-personal-de-crear-un-perfume-surge-de-la-necesidad-de-retener-una-emocion-y-hacerla-d-74196.php
- FUNDAMENTOS DEL FENG SHUI. (s/f). Gob.mx. Recuperado el 15 de abril de 2022, de http://web.seducoahuila.gob.mx/biblioweb/upload/FENG%20SHUI%20-%20Fundamentos.pdf