Feelings of Rejection Towards Your Partner During Pregnancy

Some women feel rejection towards their partner during pregnancy. Keep reading to find out why and what you can do about it.
Feelings of Rejection Towards Your Partner During Pregnancy

Last update: 26 May, 2022

Feeling rejection towards a partner during pregnancy is not as uncommon as you might think. Many women feel contempt towards their partner or some of their partner’s traits.

In this article, we’ll analyze why this rejection occurs and what you can do to live out the pregnancy alongside your partner in the best possible way.

Rejecting a partner during pregnancy

There are no studies that support women’s feelings of rejection towards partners during their pregnancy. However, many women state that this is exactly what happens to them. Is this your case?

Women experience a series of physical and emotional changes from the first weeks of pregnancy. Their breasts grow, their uterus stretches, and mood swings, nausea and even vomiting are common signs and symptoms. In addition to these pregnancy symptoms, some women feel rejection towards their partner; this feeling can be intense or mild as it varies depending on the person.

While some women feel that they need more physical and emotional contact with their partners, others begin to feel uncomfortable with some of their partner’s attitudes. In some cases, this discomfort includes being uncomfortable in the mere presence of their partner.

Now, suppose this is what you are experiencing, why does rejection of the partner occur during pregnancy? Is there a logical explanation?

Possible reasons for feeling rejection during pregnancy

Couple arguing.
There’s no research on pregnant women’s feelings of rejection towards their partners.

Again, there isn’t any research that has been able to prove that some pregnant women feel this way towards their partners during pregnancy. Despite lack of research, specialists believe that hormonal changes could be the culprit.

It’s no secret that pregnant women suffer a series of hormonal changes, like the increase of progesterone and gonadotropin, that can make them feel more sensitive. Perhaps it’s this sensitivity that produces this feeling of discomfort towards some of her partner’s attitudes or towards their very presence.

How to handle feelings of rejection during pregnancy

Couple communicating
Try communicating with your partner to solve your problems.

Feeling rejection towards your partner during pregnancy puts you in a difficult situation. It’s not easy for you to live through this situation, nor is it easy for your partner. You must acknowledge your own emotions, but also keep theirs in mind. Be aware that rejection can significantly hurt your partner’s feelings.

If you’re going through this situation, you should have an open and mature attitude and talk to your partner about it. Explain how you feel, what’s happening to you and assure them that it’s something that you can’t control and that you don’t know why it’s happening.

Secondly, think about your feelings. Did they always do those things that bothered you today? Is there a justifiable reason for your annoyance? If you simply can’t tolerate the sound of your partner chewing at the moment, you need to understand that this isn’t a serious problem, nor one that will affect your relationship in the long run.

Analyze what you’re feeling and why you’re experiencing it. Many times, a little bit of introspection is all we need to realize that we’re exaggerating a situation or that something is really affecting us.

Don’t miss out: Should You Drink Tea during Pregnancy?

The rejectee’s situation

Man talks about rejection during pregnancy.
Be patient and remember that this too shall pass.

If you found this article because you are the rejected party, we suggest being patient. We know that your situation isn’t pleasant or simple. Take a deep breath and try to remember that it’s not personal, even if it seems like it.

Keep in mind that your partner is going through a series of changes and that, despite her rejection, she needs your help and company. In general, feelings of rejection towards a partner during pregnancy don’t last the whole pregnancy, but rather only a couple of months.

If you have any doubts, we suggest seeing a doctor. Ideally, you should talk to them about this situation. Your medical expert may recommend individual or couples therapy, or simply give you a better explanation of why these feelings appear. With patience and love, you’ll get through this as a couple and a family.

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

  • Bailón Muñoz, E., & Ortega del Moral, A. (2009). Embarazo. FMC – Formación Médica Continuada En Atención Primaria. https://doi.org/10.1016/s1134-2072(07)71605-5
  • Acosta-varela, M. E. (2012). El embarazo. Aportaciones Originales.
  • Organización Mundial de la Salud. (2015). OMS, Embarazo.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.