Exercises to Reduce Back Fat

Here are a few exercises that target the muscles. As they burn calories, they can also help you in your quest to reduce back fat.
Exercises to Reduce Back Fat

Last update: 09 October, 2022

Most people want to remove fat from a specific area of the body. Some sports of the body people wish were a little less flabby are the abdomen, the buttocks, and the thighs. Unfortunately many people prefer to focus on popular body parts like the legs or the stomach. They may forget that the back is a very important region to strengthen and tone. If you reduce back fat, you can greatly change your the appearance of your overall physique.

Those annoying “bulges” of fat in the back area usually become a problem when wearing a sports bra, swimsuit, or a tight dress. This region is quite prone to accumulating fat and removing it requires a lot of commitment and discipline. If you’re interested in learning how to reduce back fat, read on for some of the best exercises we know of.

Exercise routine to burn calories and reduce back fat

Position 1

Reduce back fat and do the back reach

Roll out a yoga mat and lie face down with your arms stretched forward (or backward above your head). Without lifting your feet, gently arch your back and then return to the starting position. Do two sets of this with ten repetitions each.

Position 2

Stay in the same position and this time place your hands on your neck. Raise your torso off the mat and return to the starting position. For this exercise, do two sets of fifteen repetitions each.

Reduce back fat but stretch your back as well

Position 3

Do the same exercise as before, but this time instead of arching your back upwards, lean it to one side and then the other – as if you wanted to see what’s on your right and then the left. Always try to keep the rest of the body still.

Position 4

For the last exercise, get in the yoga pose known as the “cat.” Relax your back, then arch it upward as far as you can (as a cat would do). After that, pull your belly to the floor as if you wanted to touch it to the ground. Repeat this up and down movement five times, and then rest.

Go swimming

You really target your back muscles when you go swimming. At the same time, this is a very relaxing activity. It’s a great way to get exercise, strengthen the back, and reduce back fat all at the same time.

Weight training

Any good fat burning routine should include weight training. You can use dumbbells to target and build muscle mass, and your boosted metabolism will help you burn off more fat – even while you’re resting. All you need to do is start doing a little weight training every other day. There’s no need to lift very heavy weights, as just a few pounds will do the trick.

Do cardio training intervals

Reduce back fat with cardiovascular exercise

Cardiovascular exercise increases your heart rate, helping the body burn calories more easily. Interval training in your cardio routine will help you reduce back fat. You can pick any exercise you like, such as running, jumping jacks, elliptical training, biking, or jumping rope.

Do crunches

Although we know that abdominal exercises like crunches target the stomach region, they help get rid of fat all over the body since they burn calories. Exercise your whole abdomen to get the best benefits from these exercises. You can also add side stretches and static stretching to your exercise routine.

Recommendations for best results

  • We know that getting rid of unwanted fat is a complicated goal that can only be achieved with great discipline and effort. Nevertheless, if you follow the exercises listed above, you may start to see results soon.
  • Remember that in order to lose unwanted fat, it’s critical to have a balanced diet that’s free from excess fats, fried foods, sugars, and more. It’s always a good idea to add more healthy foods and drinks like fruits, vegetables, green tea, water, high-fiber foods and protein to your diet.
  • And lastly, remember that good posture is important to keep this area of the body strong. You should always try to maintain an upright posture.

We hope you’ve enjoyed this article on exercises to reduce back fat!

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.