A Deep Gaze Is a Bridge Between Two Souls

Did you know that the eyes are one of the few things that can betray us? Unable to consciously control them, they may reveal your intentions to others. The gaze between two souls can reveal a lot.
A Deep Gaze Is a Bridge Between Two Souls
Valeria Sabater

Reviewed and approved by psychologist Valeria Sabater.

Written by Valeria Sabater

Last update: 27 May, 2022

With one look, two souls can connect deeply, with more emotion and more security. This idea is popular for a reason: People can control their movements and gestures at will.

So if a person wanted, they could hide certain behaviors to conceal a hidden agenda.

The eyes, on the other hand, as well as their associated processes, like dilation of the pupils, are controlled by the autonomic nervous system. This is why it’s impossible for you to make your eyes dilate at will. For example, when you’re attracted to someone, these dilate due to the intense emotions you experience during attraction.

That peculiar gleam hides no false pretenses, but reveals a brain dominated by attraction that reveals itself in your gaze.

The eyes and the fascinating processes they reflect

If your eyes are, as some people say, the windows to the soul, science is unable to prove it. So far, according to science, the soul is something intangible that only religion and spirituality can address.

What’s clear is that the gaze is a powerful weapon and a source of emotional connection between two souls – both in the human and animal world. Body language experts tell us that the eyes relay the most nonverbal communication, especially through dilation of the pupils. This involuntary response is beyond our control and responds to more than changes in light. It also relays emotions. Let’s take a closer look.

A closeup of a person's eye.

The pupils and the focus of our interest

Eckhard Hess is a bio-psychological expert who led a study on ophthalmology and the emotions at the University of Chicago. This study revealed many interesting aspects about the dynamics of our pupils.

  • The pupils, as we mentioned earlier, are not limited to contracting and dilating solely in response to changes in light. When you’re holding a conversation that really captures your interest, your pupils will also dilate.
  • If you witness something that you don’t like, or that causes an adverse or uncomfortable reaction, your pupils contract.
  • When you’re around someone who you’re physically attracted to, your pupils will be larger.
  • Another curious fact is that when you’ve finished a complex activity or finally discover the solution to a problem, the pupils will expand as well.

The importance of eye contact between two souls

People expect you to make eye contact when you’re communicating with them. The aim is to see if the person’s gaze is sincere.

It’s more than a way of showing respect: It shows you’re paying attention and interested. On the other hand, when you feel intense visual contact from someone you don’t know, you might perceive it as a form of intimidation.

Glance to the left, glance to the right

When holding a conversation, if the other person quickly shifts their gaze to the right, it may mean that they’re omitting something. This doesn’t mean that they’re outright lying.

Sometimes, they may just be trying to find the best way to explain a particular aspect. Also, when someone looks to the left, it may mean that they’re trying to remember something.

Watch out for tears

An eye crying a tear drop.

Tears have a socializing function, not only communicative, but also integrative of people experiencing the same or similar emotions, as was found in a study carried out in 2007.

Not all tears are sincere. Unlike the dilation of the pupils, it’s possible for people to summon tears at will.

Some people use crying, or even wetting the face to give the appearance of tears, to take advantage of emotions that connect people. This may sometimes give the crying person the desired result of a closer relationship or forgiveness.

Although most people think crying is a characteristically human behavior, some animals, like elephants and alligators, also cry. But only humans can produce tears at will. Therefore, one of the best ways to test a person’s sincerity is to pay attention to their movements and how dilated their pupils are.

See also: Learn About The Importance of Crying (The Right Way)

If someone pays attention to what you say, maintains good eye contact, and has dilated pupils while they talk to you, it’s a telltale sign that they’re interested. They’re a reliable and trustworthy person.

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.