10 Common Energy Thieves

Energy thieves deprive you of your vitality and precious energy. Learn how to take better care of yourself and your energy in this article.
10 Common Energy Thieves

Last update: 09 October, 2022

Do you feel drained after being around certain people? You may be dealing with energy thieves.

We all only have so much energy. That’s why we must learn to use positively and not waste it.

Your energy allows you to work with motivation, gives you a positive mind to cope with everyday situations, and allows you to take advantage of every opportunity presented to you.

Only you have the power to control your energy and access it for use each day.

However, there are some external and internal factors that may interfere with your energy levels, causing a decrease in our motivation, your mood and your productivity.

Unfortunately, there are several energy thieves that can cause this.

Let’s take a look at them and how to prevent them from affecting your energy.

The Most Common Energy Thieves

Toxic People

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Toxic people bring nothing but negativity to your life. 

They might complain, whine, belittle you, gossip, or simply not show any empathy towards your or others’ needs.

Let go of toxic people who only get into your life to share complaints, problems, fear, and judgement. If someone is looking for a can to throw their garbage in, make sure it’s not your mind.

All of us are able to distinguish who brings positive things into our lives and who doesn’t. Try to avoid or limit your time with toxic people and spend more time with positive people.

Pay Your Bills on Time

There’s nothing better for our peace of mind than to know that we don’t owe anyone anything and that no one owes us anything. After all, debt is one of the major energy thieves.

Being responsible with debts helps us to be calm in front of others and with ourselves. It’s best to do everything you possibly can to free yourself of debts and to not have to hide or be ashamed for not having paid them.

Pay your bills on time. Meanwhile, collect from those who owe you or choose to let it go if it’s impossible to collect.

Keep Your Promises

If you haven’t kept your promises, ask yourself why.

You’re always in your right to change your opinion, to apologize, to compensate, to renegotiate and to find another alternative towards a promise you have not kept. However, this must not become a habit.

The best way to avoid doing something you do not want to do is by saying NO from the beginning.

Promises, no matter how small, can have a very significant value for people to whom you have made the promise. Keeping our promises makes us better people both on a personal level and a professional level.

Delegate What You Can’t or Don’t Want to Do

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When possible, do away with or delegate those tasks you prefer not to do and dedicate your time to doing what you like best.

This isn’t about avoiding responsibilities, but about being aware that sometimes, it’s best to give the work to someone who can do it better or who can take your place when you don’t feel in the best position to do so.

Also, it’s a reminder that it’s important to do the things that are truly significant in our lives. Otherwise, many things can turn into energy thieves.

Rest and Act

“Give yourself the chance to rest if you find yourself in a moment when you need it, and give yourself permission to act when you find a moment of opportunity.” -Dalai Lama

Our lives have different rhythms at different times, and we have to accept them.

Many times, not stopping when you need to can be a big mistake. Likewise, not acting when you’re able to can generate future regrets.

Throw Out, Pick Up and Organize

Nothing takes away more energy than an untidy place full of things from the past that you don’t need anymore.

From physical things to spiritual and emotional things, it’s very important to throw out everything that you don’t need.

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Leave behind all that has passed and take only the things that allow you to live well today and fulfill your dreams for the future.

Care for Your Health

energy thieves

The best job, the best partner, the greatest friends…We can’t enjoy any of them if we’re not healthy.

After all, without the machinery of your body working well, you can’t do much. Illness and injuries are some of the worst energy thieves out there.

To enjoy life with the best energy, you must devote time to your body. Detoxify, meditate, treat yourself, relax, eat well, exercise, consult a doctor and do everything necessary to be in good health.

Face Difficult Situations

It’s important to face the toxic situations that you’re simply tolerating. Whether it be rescuing a friend or family member or tolerating negative, it’s time to take action.

Facing the situation is the healthiest way to deal with it and not let it become worse.

It’s important to analyze and act on time, since postponing or ignoring things can generate stress, make focusing difficult and make the problem more difficult to resolve.

Practice Acceptance

Nothing makes you lose more energy than resisting and fighting a situation that you cannot change.

Although many believe that nothing is impossible and that hope is the last thing you want lose, sometimes, life puts us in situations where we must accept that we cannot change. Sometimes, the only way to deal with something is to accept it.

Accepting it does not mean you should stop fighting. However, when you accept that you cannot change something, you also have the possibility to change your plan and seek new opportunities.

Practice Forgiveness

Let go of a situation that’s causing you pain. While you may not be able to choose many things in life, you can always choose to leave the pain of a memory.

One of the largest energy thieves is to learn how to forgive.

It’s true that life often puts us in situations that fill us with anger, pain, bitterness and fear that can be difficult to overcome.

However, when we decide not to feed these feelings and we begin to forgive, everything in our life improves. With time, we realize that we made a good decision and truly move forward.

Hatred, bitterness and anger are feelings that do not bring us anything good and can lead us to make bad decisions.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.