Check Your Anxiety Levels with this Test

Learning to manage your emotions and anxiety levels will help you to prevent them from negatively affecting your body. Relax and don't neglect your health.
Check Your Anxiety Levels with this Test
Valeria Sabater

Reviewed and approved by psychologist Valeria Sabater.

Written by Valeria Sabater

Last update: 27 May, 2022

Anxiety… Everyone suffers from it to a greater or lesser extent. It’s something that can be helpful in low levels, in order to keep you alert to certain stimuli. However, if levels become chronic, then it can be harmful. Are your anxiety levels normal or are they getting to these dangerous levels? Find out with this anxiety test.

Remember that if you suspect that you have any psychological problem that may affect your mood, it’s best to consult a specialist.

Check your anxiety levels

This test is very simple and illustrative at the same time. With it, you can measure the different areas of anxiety: physical, cognitive, and behavioral symptoms, among others.

Of course, it’s true that anxiety may be higher than normal at times, due to personal factors. The general recommendation in this situation is to be aware of it and manage it in the healthiest way possible.

If you get a high score, we recommend that you go to see an expert in this area. It may mean that it’s time to make some small changes, to establish priorities, and above all to THINK ABOUT YOURSELF.

Here at Step to Health, we’d like to encourage you to look after yourself, to love yourself a little more, and to look for ways to be happy – always being full of hope. In the meantime, for a little guidance, we invite you to take this anxiety test. Get some paper and a pencil and here we go!

1. Cognitive symptom scale

A woman with high anxiety levels..
People who suffer from panic disorders experience sudden and uncontrollable anxiety and fear.


a) I find it hard to concentrate.
-Never (0 points)
-Sometimes (2 points)
-Often (3 points)
-Always (4 points)
b) I always tend to look on the negative side of things and even anticipate negative things rather than positive ones.
-Never (0 points)
-Rarely (2 points)
-Often (3 points)
-Always (4 points)
c) I tend to have memory lapses.
-Never (0 points)
-Rarely (2 points)
-Often (3 points)
-Always (4 points)
d) I tend to have negative thoughts.

-Never (0 points)
-Rarely (2 points)
-Often (3 points)
-Always (4 points)
e) I have trouble making decisions, I always think about things a lot.

-Never (0 points)
-Sometimes (2 points)
-Often (3 points)
-Always (4 points)

2. Behavioural symptoms

A worried woman.
When we go through difficult situations in life and our way of seeing the world changes then anxiety can occur.

A) I tend to eat to calm my anxiety.
-Never (0 items)
-Sometimes (2 items)
-Often (3 items)
-Always (4 items)
b) I tend to avoid many situations instead of dealing with them.
-Never (0 points)
-Sometimes (2 points)
-Often (3 points)
-Always (4 points)
c) I have some nervous habits: I move my legs a lot, bite my nails, touch my hair a lot etc.

-Never (0 points)
-Sometimes (2 points)
-Often (3 points)
-Always (4 points)
d) I drop things.
-Never (0 points)
-Rarely (2 points)
-Often (3 points)
-Always (4 points)
c) I have a hard time falling asleep at night because I keep tossing and turning.
-Never (0 points)
-Rarely (2 points)
-Often (3 points)
-Always (4 points)
d) I cry a lot.

-Never (0 items)
-Sometimes (2 items)
-Often (3 items)
-Always (4 items)

3. Anxiety levels: physical aspects

Cuando el dolor nos hace prisioneros, de nosotros depende hacerle frente.

A) I often have feelings of anxiety or apprehension.
-Never (0 points)
-Rarely (2 points)
-Often (3 points)
-Always (4 points)
b) I feel uneasy and nervous all the time.
-Never (0 points)
-Rarely (2 points)
-Often (3 points)
-Always (4 points)
c) I notice that I suffer from a lot of tachycardia.
-Never (0 points)
-Rarely (2 points)
-Often (3 points)
-Always (4 points)
d) I finish the day so tired that I don’t know if I’ll be able to get up the next day.

-Never (0 points)
-Rarely (2 points)
-Often (3 points)
-Always (4 points)
e) I have a lot of trouble sleeping, I sleep badly and sometimes I fall asleep during the day without realizing it.
-Never (0 points)
-Rarely (2 points)
-Often (3 points)
-Always (4 points)
f) Almost every day I have a headache, neckache, or backache.

-Never (0 points)
-Rarely (2 points)
-Often (3 points)
-Always (4 points)

Don’t miss: How to Help a Person Who’s Suffering From Anxiety

Anxiety test interpretation


woman with her head in her hands

0-18 points – No anxiety

You may sometimes feel more nervous than usual, but your response to stressful situations is appropriate and within the normal range. Very good.

19-36 points – Mild to moderate level of anxiety

You are within the normal range, but  you should be careful. Although it isn’t a high level, we recommend that you look after yourself. If at some point you don’t set limits, you may end up having a problem or an overload. Your anxiety levels are normal, but you shouldn’t take it for granted. Always think about your health and the need to manage your emotions well.

37-54 points – High Anxiety

Be very careful. Your anxiety levels are too high. It’s time to make changes and become aware that you need to change many aspects of your life because your health could suffer. If you overlook this, you could end up suffering from major emotional and health problems. Start taking life in a more relaxed way; let an expert help you to make the right changes.

If you have symptoms, visit a psychologist

An anxiety test can help you realize that your levels are above the recommended but, as always, remember that only a professional can diagnose you with any psychological disorder.

For this reason, if you suspect you may be suffering from high levels of anxiety and you feel stressed about it, we recommend that you go to a psychologist to receive their expert opinion.

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.