The Best Fruits to Treat Joint Pain
1. Cherries can help you treat joint pain
We love cherries! When in season, they make a great addition to your diet, not only for their nutritious value but also because they’re a powerful for treating joint pain, inflammation, and stiffness. The secret? Cherries are chock full of antioxidants.
Scientific studies have shown that adding 10 to 15 cherries to your daily diet over a 20 day period have real analgesic benefits. If you’re thinking of adding this fruit to your health routine, keep in mind that sour or unripe cherries are best.
2. The healthy pineapple
They’re one of the best fruits for treating inflammation thanks to their high bromelain content. This substance is used to treat hematoma and swelling and has been used to help ease joint pain associated with trauma or surgery. It’s also a simple and tasty treat to add to your breakfast.
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2. The treasure hidden inside pomegrantes, one of the best fruits to treat joint pain
You may have to search for them in local markets or organic stores, but if you can get your hands on a steady supply of pomegranates, you’ll be doing your health a huge favor. There are some extremely powerful antioxidants hidden in this colorful, decadent fruit.
You’ll feel the difference when you add pomegranates to your daily diet, whether you eat them whole or juiced. Several studies have shown that you can also use it to prevent damage to cartilage and bones, and to reduce the number of inflammation pain occurrences. Nature, as you can see, is also very wise.
4. Passionfruit
We love their rounded, smooth skin, and their scent and flavor as they burst in your mouth. Passionfruit is an exotic treat with health benefits like reducing the amount of pain associated with inflamed or damaged joints.
Studies have shown a significant reduction in the frequency of joint problems, pain levels, and improvement in joint articulation when people have added it to their diet for a thirty day period.
Passionfruit isn’t available year round because it’s grown seasonally, but when you do spot it in your favorite grocery store, you should stock up. Juiced or used to top your favorite salad, this fruit is the perfect example of nature’s abundance of natural remedies.
5. Dates
Sweet and enchanting, dates possess a texture that we love to indulge in. Dates are rich in vitamins, minerals and especially polyphenols. These elements help regenerate bone tissues and reduce inflammation which results in a decrease in joint pain.
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You should add 6 dates to your daily diet. Make them part of your breakfast: mix them with nuts, warm oatmeal, and soy milk for a healthy start to the day. Your body will thank you, because it’s getting the fuel it needs and improving your overall health.
6. The always beneficial figs
Whether you’re trying to treat joint pain or constipation, figs are always a good choice. Fresh figs have endless, rich nutrients, but nutritionists recommend you eat dried figs to get the full benefit of the polyphenol in them.
This sweet treat helps treat inflammation and strengthen cartilage. You can feel the benefits even by adding just four dried figs to your daily diet. We recommend halving the figs and mixing them with nuts for a tasty snack.
7. The curative grape
White, black, green…. there isn’t a flavor or species of grape we don’t love. Whether natural or juiced, grapes are a tiny treasure for people who maintain a healthy and active lifestyle. Don’t toss those seeds, either! Grape seeds are full of natural healing powers. Grape seed oil has also been used to treat joint pain for thousands of years.
Have you ever wondered about the secret to a long life? Grapes are the answer. Make them part of your daily diet for a long life full of youthful energy, to reduce joint pain from arthritis, and prevent bone deterioration, gout, and heart issues. These tiny little spheres have a power you’ve never imagined.
They’re rich in potassium, antioxidants, and vitamin B. Better yet, they’re easily available to anyone who wants to take advantage of their health benefits.
All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.
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