7 Alternative Uses for Milk of Magnesia

As well as having antacid powers, Milk of Magnesia is also really great for skin care and for preventing excessive grease.
7 Alternative Uses for Milk of Magnesia
Karla Henríquez

Reviewed and approved by the doctor Karla Henríquez.

Last update: 11 June, 2022

Milk of Magnesia (the commercial name for Magnesium Hydroxide) is a product you can buy over the counter which is used to neutralise stomach acid.

For decades, it’s been the most widely used antacid, not just because it’s very effective, but because you can get hold of it in any pharmacy, as pills or a liquid.

It’s important to use it in moderation, preferably on the advice of your doctor. However, it’s not a bad idea to have it to hand in your medicine cabinet.

Although many people use it just to alleviate gastric problems, in reality there are many alternative uses for Milk of Magnesia.

Do you know any of them? In this article, we’ll share the best 7 alternative uses for this great supplement.

1. Fighting Greasy Skin

Woman pasting milk of magnesia on her face

One of the most interesting properties of Milk of Magnesia is that it has a matting effect. This helps to reduce the shiny look that your skin gets due to excessive grease.

It won’t alter your skin’s pH and it’ll help to remove impurities, preventing black heads and spots.

How to Use it

  • Soak a cotton wool pad in milk of Magnesia and apply it around your t-zone (forehead, cheeks, chin), which is where grease accumulates.
  • Leave it to act for 20 minutes and then rinse.
  • Use it twice a day.

2. Treating Mouth Ulcers

Mouth ulcers are painful lesions that can hang around for days. However, if you apply a little milk of Magnesia to the surface, it can help speed up the healing.

Milk of Magnesia protects the affected area, stopping infections or more serious problems.

How to Use it

  • Soak a cotton bud in milk of Magnesia and spread it over the ulcer.
  • Leave it to act without rinsing. Repeat this three times a day.

3. Soothing Sun Burn

Woman using milk of magnesia to treat sunburn

The nutrients in milk of Magnesia can help speed up your skin’s cellular regeneration, therefore shortening the recovery time after sunburn.

Using it directly will soothe the affected area and reduce irritation. At the same time, it’ll hydrate the tissues and prevent the appearances of blemishes or wrinkles.

How to Use it

  • Spread a small quantity of milk of Magnesia over the burn.
  • Leave it to dry for 20 minutes and rinse with cold water.
  • Repeat this every day until you notice an improvement.

4. Neutralizing Body Odor

Fight Bad Breath and Body Odor With This Natural Juice

Because of its composition, milk of Magnesia can work to neutralize unpleasant body odor caused by sweat and bacteria.

It’s not as aggressive as deodorants and you can use it on sensitive skin or if you suffer from allergies.

How to Use it

  • Soak a piece of cotton wool in milk of Magnesia and apply it to your armpits or feet.
  • Leave it to absorb and do not rinse. Repeat this twice a day.

5. Fight Acne

One of the alternative uses of milk of magnesia is to treat acne

Because of its ability to neutralize excess grease and bacteria, one of the alternative uses for milk of Magnesia is for reducing acne.

The most interesting thing of all is that it cleans blocked pores and helps regenerate inflamed skin. This, in turn, stops the appearance of scars.

How to Use it

  • Moisten a cotton bud with milk of Magnesia and apply it to your problem areas.
  • Leave it to act overnight and rinse with water the following morning.
  • Repeat this every day until your skin is nice and smooth.

6. Healing Superficial Wounds

Milk of Magnesia contains small amounts of vitamin C which can speed up the healing of superficial wounds. This nutrient improves the production of collagen and repairs the affected cells.

How to Use it:

  • Cover the wound with a thin layer of milk of Magnesia.
  • Leave it exposed to the air, without rinsing, and repeat this twice a day.

Note: Do not do this if the wound is open.

7. Soothing Dermatitis

Woman scratching a rash on her neck

Milk of Magnesia is a great way to control itching and reduce the redness caused by dermatitis. Its nutrients regulate the skin’s pH and reduce irritation.

How to Use it

  • Moisten a cotton wool pad with milk of Magnesia and apply it to the affected area.
  • Leave it to dry without rinsing and repeat this twice a day.

Have you got Milk of Magnesia at home? Do you only ever use it as an antacid? Now you know some alternative uses for Milk of Magnesia, make the most use of it!

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.