5 Psychological Tricks to Attract Other People

Would you like to know how to enhance the attraction you generate in others without ceasing to be yourself or losing your essence? Find out how to do it in the following article!
5 Psychological Tricks to Attract Other People
Valeria Sabater

Reviewed and approved by psychologist Valeria Sabater.

Written by Valeria Sabater

Last update: 27 May, 2022

True attraction is created in our mind. It intrigues us, excites us and fills us with curiosity goes far beyond the simple physical aspects of our lives such as our faces, eyes, and bodies.

Culturally, there’s a bias around beauty, whereby we come to believe that everything that’s beautiful is good, that those who enjoy intense physical attractiveness, in turn, hide fabulous personal qualities.

However, as we grow older and become more experienced, we realize that this correlation isn’t always fulfilled and that, in reality, it’s much more intense and significant to be able to experience the other type of attraction in which two minds harmonize in pleasures, values, and projects. Let’s delve deeper.

Attracting other people is a gift not many people possess

A woman smiling.

1. Authentic attraction is synonymous with self-confidence

Be authentic! People who are confident in themselves are often able to captivate and attract other people. However, this self-confidence should never become pride or border on narcissism.

  • True self-confidence is when you know yourself and your strengths. However, at the same time, you’re also aware of your limitations. In addition, you have the ability to recognize them and try to improve them every day.
  • Furthermore, self-confidence is nourished, in turn, by other basic and essential factors. Among these are high self-esteem, a positive self-concept, and humility.
  • The true magic lies in the balance of these dimensions.

2. Create your own brand, as being different from others is an advantage

In a world of people who are mostly the same, being different is attractive. However, at times, many of us come to think that being different causes us to be detached, criticized, and even separated from society itself.

  • Having a hooked nose like an eagle’s beak or being overweight, for example, can feel like real obstacles for getting the confidence to attract others.
  • However, all of these nuances must be accompanied by self-confidence.
  • Demonstrate to the world that you’re unique, that you have your own brand, and that you’re happy with who you are.
  • Lean to take advantage of your peculiarities.

3. The power of non-verbal communication

Attraction begins with a gaze and knowing how to connect with others through it. In turn, you also need to learn to think about your posture. Crossed legs and crossed arms are like barriers when it comes to generating confidence.

You must use open body language to show that you’re calm and at ease. Use your hands to gesture, smile to captivate, head to nod and show interest, and your body to show confidence and closeness.

4. Empathetic communication

The person who’s able to show they can get close to you, who knows how to listen, and is able to establish an emotional and cognitive empathetic connection, gradually becomes very attractive.

On the other hand, there are other people who have the habit of always talking about themselves with the idea of “selling themselves” just for show. They exalt their supposed virtues, abilities, and fabulous skills, but what they they actually make people feel uncomfortable and distance themselves.

Therefore, you must learn how to establish a close connection with others. There are people who know how to do this by being real, and truly interested in those they’re with, and never cease to be humble. This makes them highly attractive.

You should also read: How Science Explains the Secret of Attraction

5. Somewhat unusual

As we’ve pointed out, if you obsess about “fitting in” and sharing characteristics similar to other peoples’, you’ll only dissolve in the ocean of the ordinary without ever standing out.

  • Do you want to attract other people, be different and have everybody focus on you in a room full of similar people? Then you must highlight a singular aspect that defines who you are. This is something that others will remember or identify you with.
  • You can be someone who likes the “pin-up” style, has original hair, or wears classic shoes. Or you could be a man with an elegant mustache, who wears a bow tie, or who always dresses casually.

Nevertheless, being original must harmonize with your appearance and way of being. You should never try to be someone you aren’t, or something that distances yourself from your true identity.

A woman sitting in a field.

Believing in yourself is the key

To conclude, we should state that these factors can and should be trained. Only when we know ourselves will we understand what we can improve.

We’ll also be aware of where our strengths lie. Furthermore, we’ll also know how to get the magic touch that will get others to look at us. Lastly, don’t forget this: once you attract someone, you have to maintain the attraction.

Finally, you can’t forget one essential thing: once the attraction is established, it must be maintained. If you trust yourself at all times, you’ll undoubtedly achieve lasting, fruitful relationships with friends, romantic partners and colleagues.

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

  • Ferreras, E. (2007). La autoestima. Anales de Mecánica y Electricidad.
  • Atienza, F. L., Moreno, Y., Balaguer, I., & Rosenberg, M. (2004). Escala de autoestima de
  • Rosenberg. Apuntes de Psicologia. https://doi.org/http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.biochi.2007.09.002
  • Branden, N. (1989). Cómo mejorar su autoestima. Círculo de Lectores. https://doi.org/10.1186/cc1474
  • Berntsson, E. (2004). Los seis pilares de la Autoestima. Atención Primaria. https://doi.org/10.1157/13068212

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.