13 Problems Caused by Not Drinking Enough Water
You’ve probably always been reminded to drink plenty of water every day to stay hydrated and prevent disease. But some people still aren’t aware of how important this is. Neither are they aware of the role it plays in the body’s functions. There are many health problems that can develop as a result of not drinking enough water.
Let’s look at the negative effects that not drinking enough water can have on your body. Here are 13 problems that are specifically caused by dehydration and low water consumption.
13 Problems caused by not drinking enough water
First of all, when you don’t get enough water and your body becomes dehydrated, your enzymatic activity rate lowers and fatigue eventually sets in. This is a health problem characterized by feeling tired most of the time.
Premature aging
Our bodies are made up of 60% water, therefore they depend heavily on this precious resource in order to function properly. Drinking plenty of water helps you fight the free radicals that cause premature aging of the skin and internal organs.
Read Also: Causes of Premature Ageing
Weight gain or inability to lose weight
While water alone won’t make you burn fat, it does play an important role in a healthy weight loss diet.
Drinking water stimulates the body’s elimination of toxins and waste products. It also makes you feel fuller and is key to maintaining a healthy metabolism. When you don’t drink enough water, any weight loss program you undertake is likely to be much less effective.
High and low blood pressure
High levels of bad cholesterol
Dehydration causes the interior of your cells to lose water. This means that the body begins to compensate by producing more cholesterol, some of which is bad for your health.
In order for solid waste to be formed properly and eliminated from the body, you have to take in enough fluid to process your food and hydrate the intestines. If you suffer from chronic dehydration, your body doesn’t have enough water to remove solid waste. This causes constipation.
Diseases of the digestive system
A dehydrated body decreases the production of digestive juices. This can cause serious stomach problems and diseases, like gastritis and ulcers.
Problems with the respiratory system
Water is a key component of a healthy immune system. It also prevents of respiratory diseases. The mucous membranes of your lungs, nose, and sinuses need to remain moist to protect against pollutants.
Unbalanced pH
To maintain a healthy pH balance in your bloodstream, you have to drink a sufficient amount of water. Food and other factors can cause the body’s pH to become more acidic. This can lead to numerous other health problems.
The body needs enough fluid to sweat out 20 to 24 ounces (500 to 700 ml) of water. With that sweat comes toxins and waste that, if left in the body, can eventually cause skin irritations. Some people believe the appearance insufficient water may influence the appearance of eczema.
Urinary tract infections
Your renal and urinary systems rely heavily on drinking plenty of water every day. When you get dehydrated and deprive these systems of fluids, you run the risk of contracting different types of urinary or bladder infections, like cystitis. As a result your urine will take on a darker color and have a very strong smell.
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A lack of hydration causes more toxins to accumulate in the bloodstream. This can cause a diverse range of diseases and problems. There are studies that claim a lack of water can increase problems with the joints.
Brain damage
Severe dehydration can cause an imbalance in the body’s store of electrolytes like sodium and potassium. If you’re significantly lacking in these, you can have serious problems including damage to the brain and heart attacks.