6 Pieces of Advice for Having Water Sex

Testing erotic thoughts is part of your sexuality. There is a thin line between reality and imagination. The goal of this is to get pleasure and fulfillment.
6 Pieces of Advice for Having Water Sex

Last update: 15 December, 2022

There are few who are bold enough to experiment with sex.This could be because they’re afraid, because of prejudices, or simply because they don’t know about the subject.

Can you have sex in the water? Without a doubt, this is one of the fantasies that men and women have.

Just imagining the scene, the sunlight, and submerging themselves in water are seductive elements.

However, before jumping for a romantic embrace, it’s important to follow a few pieces of advice to reduce risk.

1. Be careful with public places

It’s obvious that pools have chlorine. But, this doesn’t mean that there aren’t germs in the pools.

The problem isn’t the chemicals they use to clean the water. What causes harm is the bacteria that you bring with you.

In other words the compounds that you have in hair products, sunscreen, makeup, and, of course, the chemicals in urine.

The best thing to do is to use your nose. If you smell something bad, let the idea go. The likelihood of getting an infection because of particles in the water is low. But, it’s best to avoid crowded areas.

2. Water isn’t a lubricant

We immediately associate water with moisturization. But, in reality, it doesn’t help vaginal lubrication.

The reason? When you get in the water, it gets deep in your vagina. In other words, it washes away the secretions. As a result, this causes dryness.

Then the area is easily irritated with the chlorine or salt water. Particularly, chlorine is a caustic agent that alters your pH level. So, it’s likely you’ll get a vaginal infection or vaginosis.

So, it’s important to use a lubricant.

3. Can you use a condom?

Honestly, there aren’t many studies that talk about using birth control under the water. But, when there aren’t high levels of salt water, you can use them.

This means, that there won’t be any adverse effects to the materials. But, the chlorine can damage them. Also, it’s possible for there to be oil or other chemical residues in the water.

Keep in mind that the absence of a lubricant causes dryness and friction. This could cause a condom to break. You should use a silicone based lubricant.

As we already mentioned the oil causes damage and water-based ones disappear.

Just so you remember, you should put your condom on before you get in the water. And, you should have a full erection. If you put it on in the water, it could break.

Similarly, you should take it off before your erection goes down so that it doesn’t stay inside the vagina.

4. Is it possible to get pregnant?

There is a definite possibility of getting pregnant if you have sex without protection in the water. It’s the same as doing it in a bed.

The mistaken idea that flushing the vagina with a little water will wash away the semen is wrong.

However, the idea that you can get pregnant by getting into a pool someone ejaculated into is simply a myth.

This requires physical contact and a direct ejaculation to get pregnant. This means that it’s practically impossible. Then there’s the movement necessary to get the semen into the vagina.

This doesn’t even take into account that spermatozoa can’t live outside the human body. There isn’t a way for them to live in the open air. Either at low or high temperatures.

5. Sexually transmitted infections?

This is another one of the reasons it’s important to use a condom, even though it’s more difficult.

The possibility of getting a STI is the same in the sea as it is on land. Despite the fact that certain disinfectants get rid of bacteria, they won’t reduce the risk of contracting them.

6. Broken bones?

It might seem a bit much, but when using certain sexual positions in the water, it’s better to do them carefully.

The density makes it easy to lose your balance. So, control your passion, or you might end up with cuts, or in severe cases, broken bones.

So, do you think you can do it in the water?

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