A Three-Ingredient Natural Varicose Vein Treatment
Varicose veins are one of the most common beauty problems that affect women once they reach adulthood. They occur when veins dilate and make it hard for blood to returning to the heart.
A normal vein uses a valve to boost the blood flow from your extremities to your heart muscle. However, varicose veins can form when the valve malfunctions.
It could be the result of bad habits, such as leading a sedentary lifestyle or the use of tobacco products. However, varicose veins can also appear due to genetic factors, pregnancy, and hormonal imbalances.
Initially, it might seem very small, like the well-known “spider veins,” but gradually it may progress to the point that you have a painful and protruding vein in your leg.
For many people, it’s important to find an effective treatment. After all, in addition to looking unsightly, varicose veins can also cause inflammation and pain.
The good news is that there are plenty of remedies available today to reduce them significantly. Best of all, you don’t need to spend a lot of money on them. With some natural ingredients, it’s possible to create some very effective and inexpensive alternative solutions.
Today, we want to share our recipe for a homemade and natural varicose vein treatment. It’s made with aloe vera, carrot, and apple cider vinegar and some people have seen positive results with regular use. Give it a try!
What are the benefits of this natural varicose vein treatment?
You apply this treatment topically, so you can use it every day to improve circulation and reduce pain.
Aloe vera gel, one of the key ingredients, is well known in the cosmetic industry for its rich nutritional properties and moisturizing qualities. According to a study from Poznan University in Poland, it also has anti-inflammatory and vasodilating effects that will decrease the size of the affected vein and promote better blood flow.
In addition, it also provides a significant amount of antioxidants and water for easy application, without harming your skin.
Carrots are an excellent source of beta-carotene, an antioxidant that prevents premature aging and fights skin discoloration.
The B vitamins, minerals, and fiber found in carrots make them one of the healthiest vegetables that you can add to your diet.
When you blend it into a smooth, cooked paste, it’s easy to apply as a body lotion to obtain the benefits for topical use.
Many of the active compounds in carrots are used for firming treatments. After all, according to a study from the Dessau Medical Center in Germany, they improve the elasticity of the skin and prevent sagging.
Carrots are also a great complement to other varicose vein treatments because they stimulate better blood flow and are good for the heart, according to this study from Texas A&M University Kingsville (U.S.).
Finally, we have the well-known apple cider vinegar. It’s a nutritious, invigorating, and powerful food with anti-inflammatory compounds (according to a study from the Biotechnology Research Center of Malasia) that are excellent for this treatment.
How to Prepare this Treatment
However, before you begin, you should be aware that this product won’t solve your problems by itself. Consistent use will improve your circulation and the condition of your veins. However, you must complement it with good nutrition and regular exercise to achieve the desired results.
- 1 large carrot
- 2 leaves of aloe vera
- 3 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar (30 ml)
- Peel the carrot, chop it into small pieces, and simmer it with a little water until it softens.
- When it is thoroughly cooked, mash it with a fork until you have a paste.
- Slice open the leaves from the aloe plant with a knife and scrape out the gel that’s contained inside.
- Mix it with the mashed carrot and then add the apple cider vinegar.
- Once you have a creamy paste, apply this remedy to the varicose vein.
How to use it
- Exfoliate your legs before you apply the treatment to ensure it’s readily absorbed.
- Spread the cream over the affected area using a gentle massage from the ankles to the calves.
- Leave it on for 30 to 40 minutes before rinsing with cold water.
- Repeat this application every day by following the same steps.
As you can see, there’s no need to invest in expensive commercial treatments to deal with this common problem.
If you follow the advice we’ve given here and use this natural varicose vein treatment on a regular basis, you’ll notice improvements in no time.
All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.
- Metcalfe, M., & Baker, D. (2008). Varicose veins. Surgery. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mpsur.2007.10.010
- Bootun, R., Onida, S., Lane, T. R. A., & Davies, A. H. (2016). Varicose veins and their management. Surgery (United Kingdom). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mpsur.2016.02.002
- Hamdan, A. (2012). Management of varicose veins and venous insufficiency. JAMA – Journal of the American Medical Association. https://doi.org/10.1001/jama.2012.111352