7 Natural Remedies for Arthritis in the Hands
The hands are one of the most likely parts of the body to have problems related to arthritis. They’re at work every single day, and sometimes they have to do things that can trigger cartilage breakdown. Luckily, there are natural remedies for arthritis in the hands. Read on to find out how they can help you ease the pain and improve your quality of life.
7 natural remedies for arthritis in the hands
Castor oil
It has several applications and contains an active ingredient known as ricinoleic acid. This acid has strong anti-inflammatory and painkilling effects that can help reduce the discomfort and swelling associated with arthritis. You can do a massage with castor oil twice a day for arthritis relief.
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Another option to get the benefits of castor oil is to heat two tablespoons and mix them with fresh squeezed orange juice. Drink this every morning on an empty stomach for two consecutive weeks. You’ll notice the difference. Remember not to have too much castor oil because it can have laxative effects.
Fenugreek seeds
Multiple studies have found that fenugreek has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects that make it a great natural remedy for arthritis in the hands. These properties can help reduce the pain from arthritis in just a few months.
Add fenugreek seeds to a cup of water and leave them to soak overnight. The next day, eat the seeds on an empty stomach and toss out the water. For best results, you should have these seeds for a few months at a time.
To get its benefits, just mix a teaspoon of ground turmeric in a glass of milk along with a tablespoon of honey. If you’re lactose intolerant, try a plant-based milk. Or, you can even have it with water.
Olive oil
Olive oil contains an active ingredient called oleocanthal, which inhibits the activity of the COX-1 and COX-2 enzymes associated with inflammation. People who have olive oil in their diets are also less likely to have rheumatoid arthritis in the future.
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To reduce pain and inflammation from arthritis in the hands, we recommend using this oil for a gentle massage. For best results, you can also mix it with a little lavender essential oil and heat them both.
Honey and cinnamon
To get both their benefits, mix one and a half teaspoons of ground cinnamon with a tablespoon of honey. Take this mixture on an empty stomach every morning to reduce your arthritis symptoms.
Epsom salts
Epsom salts have always been a popular choice when it comes to natural remedies for arthritis’ debilitating pain. These salts relax the affected joints and provide relief from inflammation, stiffness, and pain.
So, fill a bowl with hot water and add two cups of Epsom salts. Soak your hands in this mixture for 20 minutes, and repeat this treatment twice a week.
Apple cider vinegar
You can also take advantage of its amazing benefits by mixing it with a teaspoon of ground cayenne pepper. Add the teaspoon to a cup of warm apple cider vinegar, and massage it into your hands. Soak them for 15 minutes and then rinse with warm water.
So, how about it? If pain and inflammation are bringing down your quality of life, try these natural remedies for arthritis in the hands!
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