How to Seduce Your Partner

Seducing your partner can help you keep the enchantment and strengthen the relationship, experiment as a team, and open the door to new experiences.
How to Seduce Your Partner
Isbelia Esther Farías López

Reviewed and approved by the philosopher Isbelia Esther Farías López.

Last update: 26 May, 2022

According to the Cambridge Dictionary, in the definition, the word “seduce” means the action of making someone feel attracted to you and want to have a sexual relationship with you.
From that point of view, seduction can involve a group of techniques (flattery, gestures, caresses, etc.) with the objective being to create an atmosphere of intimacy with a specific person, that eventually leads to a sexual encounter.
Through these gestures, words, caresses, and rubs, one person hopes another feels attraction towards them. How many times have we seen this on the big screen? We see examples of this in all parts of life, all the time.
But not everything boils down to what we see on the cinema screen. We also have examples of seduction in literature, in music, in art, and of course, on any street.

Is seducing the same as bewitching?

There are people that the art of seduction can be like a ‘spell’ that captivates both the seducer and the object of their affection. And in some way, it can feel like this, as the lovers are so focused they forget to pay attention to the rest of the world. In these moments, the sexual tension is palpable.

Seduction can be as fun a process as you want it to be and can help with forming ‘magical’ and pleasant experiences (not just in the bedroom). Oftentimes, the art of seduction is applied in two kinds of situations:

  1. When someone wants to make another fall in love with them in hopes to begin a romantic relationship;
  2. When someone wants to achieve a sexual encounter at a specific time.

However, it’s clear that seduction also forms a part of a couple’s dynamic. There are people that they need a ‘spark’ that can help them to keep their passion and interest alive because it brings people together and generates a closeness.

man and woman kissing; how to seduce your partner
In romantic relationships, little games, mimes, and demonstrations of affection in bed can help feed the sexual desire.

Advice on seducing your partner and keeping the flame alive

Below, we give some advice that may help you be more creative and therefore enjoy the art of seduction a little more.

1. Forget entirely about routine

Yes, it’s a good idea to forget about your routine. Don’t make your usual comments, or follow the same technique you’ve always used. This will awaken your partner’s interest. Get innovating, even if it’s something small!

You don’t need to forget what has worked in the past, but try to combine them with new techniques to seduce your partner.

2. Create time alone, for just you and I

Although it may not seem like it creating a time and place (however brief) for just yourself and your partner is essential for keeping the flame of passion alive.

It’s not always about doing activities together, like watching a movie in bed, it’s more about taking a moment to exclusively enjoy the company of the other person.

Take your lover’s hands, support their head, keep visual contact and then close your eyes and appreciate their body heat and aroma; these are the gestures that can be so romantic in the seduction process.

Responsibilities are important, but taking a moment to enjoy your time together is the most simple step you can take to strengthen your bond. This helps keep your mutual interest, the romance, and of course the passion, alive.

3. Seduce, regardless of what day it is

woman and man embracing with flowers; seduce your partner

It’s good enough to remember important dates and be extremely detailed on these occasions, but it’s clear that you don’t need a specific date or time in your agenda to seduce your partner.

Spontaneity reaps rewards in a romantic relationship. So, make an effort when you feel like it, or when your partner least expects it.

4. Even though it might seem obvious – experiment!

On occasion, many people (although they want to) don’t seduce their partners because they feel it ‘seems too obvious’ to do so. In some way, they’re scared of being rejected. They’re scared that the other person won’t play along or just simply say ‘not now’.

Despite the fact it’s normal to fear rejection, but if you want to seduce your partner, you have to run the risk. Get out of your comfort zone! After all, there’s nothing better than experiencing new things together.

  • In order to seduce your partner, you should foster security and determination.
  • Keep a good posture; body language is important. Taking care of your body will help score charm points.
  • Pay attention to the details and reflect them through a gesture, a word, or a mime.
  • Make your senses of touch and hearing the protagonists of this experience.
  • Do you know what attracts your partner? A specific fragrance (body or candle), the feeling of a specific kind of fabric, a certain food – whatever it is, get it. Pleasure should be present in every sense.
  • Experiment slowly to get going. Don’t over-complicate it, go bit by bit.

There’s no better seduction than trying new experiences together.

5. Express yourself: say what you feel!

couple holding hands over a table

In order to seduce your partner, you should also strive for good communication.

Hugging, kissing, caressing, complementing, can all be satisfactory, but exchanging seductive, exciting, and interesting words/anecdotes can inspire confidence and bring the couple even closer.

Words can be great allies when it comes to maintaining the sexual tension in a relationship.

Give seducing your partner a go and surrender to the experience!

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

  • Baranowski, Andreas & Vitouch, Oliver. (2011). The Science of Seduction: Teaching seduction techniques and evaluating their effectiveness.
  • Greene, Robert (2019). El arte de la seducción. Barcelona, España: Editorial Oceano.
  • Santos-Iglesias, Pablo; Sierra, Juan Carlos (2010). El papel de la asertividad sexual en la sexualidad humana: una revisión sistemática. International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology. 10(3): 553-577.
  • Rathus, Spencer; Nevid, Jeffrey; Fichner-Rathus, Lois (2005). Sexualidad humana (6ª Ed.). México: Pearson Prentice Hall

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.