Thin Eyebrows: How to Deal With Them in a Natural Way

On top of using natural remedies to improve hair growth, it's a good idea to see a professional for correct shaping if you want to hide your thin eyebrows
Thin Eyebrows: How to Deal With Them in a Natural Way

Last update: 27 May, 2022

People who have thin eyebrows, with little hair, may suffer because they think they need more definition in this area of the face in order. This may because they want stronger features or because they feel that thin eyebrows make them look older.

In recent years, trends have given preference to natural but well-groomed eyebrows. Thanks to this, women no longer need to make an effort to make their eyebrows pencil-thin. Rather, they simply need to polish up their natural shape.

However, if you’ve already spent years waxing and plucking the area excessively, you need to take certain measures to restore the amount of hair in your brows.

In this article, we’re going to give you information and tips on thin eyebrows and explain how to naturally stimulate their growth.

Why do I have thin eyebrows?

How to thicken your eyebrows.

Hair growth is generally something that has to do with your genetics.
  • Women with thin eyebrows usually have thin hair around the rest of their body.
  • At the same time, women with thick eyebrows tend to have thicker hair, which usually means spending more time trying to remove it. We’re never satisfied, one way or the other.

You should also keep in mind that if you have thin eyebrows, this could be a symptom of a disorder, especially if it’s a sudden change from how they normally are.

The symptom of a disorder

Hair loss in one or both eyebrows could have something to do with:

  • skin problems
  • Hormone imbalances
  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Taking some sort of medication that affects your hair follicles.

Losing the outside of your eyebrow, for example, could be a symptom of hypothyroidism.

Keeping this relationship in mind can help you prevent important health problems and improve the way your eyebrows look in a completely natural way.

Castor oil remedy

There are those who used to have thick eyebrows but, after years of plucking and waxing, now they’re too thin. These individuals often resort to natural remedies in order to fix the problem. One of the most popular remedies is castor oil.

Yes, castor oil is an old and effective remedy for making hair grow back in abundance. This vegetable oil with a thick texture has been used for decades as a laxative.

Once you’ve ruled out the possibility of a disorder, based on the symptoms, you can look for remedies. Castor oil is an old, extremely effective remedy for making hair grow thick

However, according to popular belief, it also has cosmetic properties that help with stimulating and strengthening the growth of hair, eyebrows, eyelashes, and nails.

How to apply castor oil

How to use castor oil for hair growth.
Castor oil has been used as a natural cosmetic that aids in stimulating the growth of hair and eyebrows.

How to use castor oil to thicken thin eyebrows

Once you have the castor oil (sold in pharmacies) you have to apply it to your eyebrows every night.

You’ll need an old mascara brush that you no longer use.

  • Before you go to bed at night, remove your makeup and wash your face.
  • Dip the clean mascara wand into the castor oil and apply to your eyebrows, moving from the inner corner, outward.
  • Repeat 3 to 5 times, then leave the oil on all night.

Within one to two weeks you will already start to notice incredible changes, but you need to be consistent if you want to get thicker eyebrows.

If you like, you can also apply the castor oil to your eyelashes, to make them longer and thicker.

A proper waxing

While your eyebrows are growing and becoming stronger, don’t underestimate the importance of a good, professional waxing, which helps hide the thinner areas of your eyebrows. A professional can also shape your eyebrows according to your facial features.

Eyebrows are generally worn more naturally today, not too thin or too thick. The inner part is generally a little thicker and more natural, then it arches up and gets thinner towards the outer edges.

A good professional can help give your eyebrows a beautiful, natural look.

Brushing and drawing on eyebrows


A lot of women pluck away too much of their eyebrows and then end up needing to paint them in. Just a few years ago, this seemed old-fashioned and over-the-top. But today, it has become fashionable to discretely paint your eyebrows and blend it in with the hair.  This makes your eyes stand out and it gives your “look” several different tones.

There are more and more pencils being put on the market. You should always use one slightly lighter than your natural color. Paint on your eyebrows discretely, then blend the color in. You can also use a special eyebrow brush to help you.

If you don’t have any eye pencils, you can also use eyeliner, but you should always use the proper color so that it looks natural.

Remember, it’s always important to consider your specific face shape and eyes so that you can highlight your features and cover up any imperfections.

That’s why we recommend that you see a professional at least the first time. That way they can give you personalized tips and tricks that you can follow on your own later on.

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.