How to Make Lemon Essential Oil
Lemon essential oil is a great way to fight cellulite.
Among its many properties, it contains vitamin C and antioxidants that prevent the build up of fat. Both of these ingredients maintain good health.
These days, almost everyone heads straight to the doctor when they perceive a health problem. Many people, however, understand that natural remedies do work. In addition, they don’t have negative side effects.
Lemon essential oil is a good example of one of these products. Thanks to its ingredients, you can obtain many benefits from regular use without compromising your health.
You probably already know the benefits of lemons. But, if you need a reminder, just continue reading.
How to make lemon essential oil
- 1 lemon (150 g)
- A glass jar
1 cup of water (100 ml) - 1 cup of olive oil (100 ml)
- A container with a lid that can withstand high temperatures.
- First, bring the water to a boil in a saucepan.
- Then, peel the lemon and preserve the peel.
- Add the lemon peel to the boiling water.
- Leave it to simmer for one minute.
- Place the heat-resistant container in the saucepan and add the olive oil – remove the peel.
- Heat the bag in a water bath for two and a half hours.
- Let it sit for 24 additional hours.
These simple steps will prepare your lemon essential oil. Store it in a glass container in a cool place, without humidity.
See also: 9 surprising uses for lemons
Uses for lemon essential oil
Purify the air
The air you breathe in your home is very important. Remember that when you’re outside, there’s pollution everywhere. It’s a good idea to purify the air in your home.
Lemon can fight any bacteria that enter through the windows because it’s a potent antiseptic. Acidity and vitamins eliminate microbes quickly and efficiently.
Citrus fruits also provide a fresh scent. The air will seem like it weighs less. Even if you don’t realize it, your pituitary gland is sending information to your brain to tell it to relax. Use a dispenser for the best results.
Improve your digestion
You’ll enjoy the healthy fats from this oil, which is essential for healthy tissues and preventing your arteries from blockages.
Just use lemon essential oil as a salad dressing, or add it to your tea. A few drops in green tea is a perfect solution.
We recommend you read: 5 plant-based teas to fight indigestion
Fight cellulite
Cellulite is related to problems with circulation. Lemon essential oil has two important properties when it comes to this problem: high vitamin C content and the presence of flavonoids.
Flavonoids improve the movement of fat. It stops them from building up in the same areas. Vitamin C also helps with this, as it is a great antioxidant.
Cellulite tends to increase with age, so you need to be strengthening your body to slow down the effects of the passage of time.
It can cure herpes
Once again, this is thanks to vitamin C because it works as an excellent antibiotic. To guarantee its usefulness, however, the oil serves as a protective film to isolate the area. This prevents it from coming into contact with other bacteria that could jeopardize your treatment.
To use it, apply this oil with a sterilized swab or piece of gauze.
Overall, this is a simple natural remedy that’s easy to prepare, affordable, and simple to use. Sounds good, right? Make sure to share your results if you decide to try it!
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Dosoky, N. S., & Setzer, W. N. (2018). Biological activities and safety of citrus spp. Essential oils. International Journal of Molecular Sciences.
González-Molina, E., Domínguez-Perles, R., Moreno, D. A., & García-Viguera, C. (2010). Natural bioactive compounds of Citrus limon for food and health. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis.
Shaw, P. E. (1979). Review of Quantitative Analyses of Citrus Essential Oils. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.
Yavari kia P, Safajou F, Shahnazi M, Nazemiyeh H. The Effect of Lemon Inhalation Aromatherapy on Nausea and Vomiting of Pregnancy: A Double-Blinded, Randomized, Controlled Clinical Trial, Iran Red Crescent Med J. 2014 ; 16(3):e14360. doi: 10.5812/ircmj.14360.