The Healing Power of Hugs

Hugs let others know how we feel, but did you know they're also good for your health? Find out more about the healing power of hugs here.
The Healing Power of Hugs
Bernardo Peña

Reviewed and approved by the psychologist Bernardo Peña.

Written by Raquel Aldana

Last update: 15 December, 2022

There are people who hug us so tightly that it seems like they’re going to break us. But, in reality, they’re fitting a suit of love to our body. Hugging someone very tightly synchronizes the mind, the body, and our emotions in a special way.

Hugs may not solve anything, but they’re comforting. When someone wraps their arms around us, it can rebuild the parts of us that have been broken by time, ward off loneliness and fears, and fill us with happiness.

As incredible as it may seem, there are some people who don’t like to be hugged because they feel uncomfortable or like their personal space is being invaded. However, in reality, everyone needs someone to warmly embrace them at some point or another in their lives.

Hundreds of Hugs are Just Waiting for Us

An older couple embracing.
Expressing love through a hug is an incredible thing.

A small hug can dry tears, a small word of kindness can fill us with happiness and a little smile can change the world. These are the little things that fill our world with happiness and love.

We could write a book on all the types of hugs in existence. There are as many types of hugs as there are people, situations, and relationships depending on the type of message they’re meant to communicate. For example, we can find the following.

Bear hugs

One person embraces the other and squeezes them lovingly against their body. This type of hug conveys true messages of support and affection.

The A Hug

This is the most formal hug, but it conveys no less. It consists of embracing the other person and resting your chin lightly on the corresponding shoulder.

Sandwich hugs

Sandwich hugs are those that occur between three people, so they’re very familiar and unconditional.

Impetuous hugs

These are characterized by the impulse to embrace the other person and show affection, which makes them ideal for expressing affection and good wishes.

Heartfelt hugs

Heartfelt hugs are those that the body gives with total fullness, surrounding the other person’s back and shoulders. It’s one of the most devoted hugs that exist.

Side hugs

This type of embrace is ideal for a walk or to remain in permanent union. They reflect the need and desire to be connected.

Hugs from behind

This type of hug is the most endearing and romantic. One of the partners approaches from behind and melts their bodies together. It is only necessary to remember famous scenes such as the one in the movie Titanic to realize the passion they exude.

Group hugs

Hugging in a group is a unique experience.

Friends walking with their arms around one another.
Nothing compares to a group hug.

This is one of the types of hugs that symbolizes the most unity and unconditional support, comforting its members a great deal.

All these hugs are healing, as they contribute to our psychological wellbeing and emotional development. Therefore, with this simple gesture, we obtain hundreds of irreplaceable sensations that go beyond what words can describe.

Do You Know How to Hug?

One embraces others like they embrace life. One embraces life the way they’re embraced.

Knowing how to hug requires only a full heart and a body to melt into the other person. However, for a hug to transmit all we’re feeling, you also need to know how to hug yourself.

The questions that arise now are the following: Have you ever hugged yourself? Have you given yourself warmth? Have you relieved your sadness? Working on self-hugging is indispensable to be nourished and to keep us united.

Let’s say that, through an intimate and sincere self-embrace, we reaffirm and bond with ourselves, moving us away from our rough outer shell and getting us closer to the authenticity on which self-love is based.

If you embrace yourself, you love yourself. If you love yourself, you recognize yourself. And, if you recognize yourself, you build yourself. Because gathering ourselves in our arms frees our emotions and allows us to get closer to the good things in life.

The Healing Power of Hugs

A hug is a poem written on the skin that protects us from false love, dependence, idealization and anything that may weaken or impoverish us, safeguarding the courage and goodness within us.

Hugs validate our right to exist and to be who we are, to need, touch, be happy and healthy and to create, be intimate and free to love.

It’s hard to list all the benefits that hugs have to offer, given how many there are. However, here are just a few benefits from the power of hugs. Hugs do the following:

  • Reduce stress
  • Provide security and protection, or at least make us feel safe and secure
  • Help improve your self-esteem
  • Transmit energy and strength
  • Improve interpersonal relations
  • Make you feel at ease

Don’t forget to read: The Power of Hugs: Benefits to Your Health

The Power of Hugs, a Caress from the Soul

It’s said that every time we hug someone warmly, we gain a day of life. – Paulo Coelho

Hugging deepens the roots of affection. Our most meaningful memories often contain hugs, because they are comforting. Hugging is a wonderful way to give love to those around us and caress their souls.

Hugs are often the best therapy, as they make us feel renewed and deserving of love. Each hug has its own language, which makes it the quickest way for two souls to communicate.

That means you can say more with a hug than words. Embracing each other fills us with happiness and transmits a certain peacefulness that’s immensely relaxing.

Hugs are a truly reliable source of caring communication that enables us to better understand how we and those around us feel. They’re a great way to show love and support.

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.