Why is it Good Not to Make the Bed in the Morning?
3 minutes
To eliminate mites we should leave the bed unmade, ventilate the room and let the fresh air and sunshine come in.
Last update: 04 May, 2022
Making the bed is an activity that most people do each morning, or at some other time during the day. This activity is essential to make your home look organized and to make your room look very cozy every time you enter it.
Even though most people are used to making the bed every day, a recent study from the University of Kingston says that making the bed isn’t as good as it looks. It has negative effects on your health.
How do they explain this?
To confirm that making the bed can be harmful to your health, the researchers revealed that perfectly placed sheets and bedspreads create a haven for mites. It even can extend their lifecycle. In particular, they pointed out that when we make the bed, we are covering mites and other arachnids that inhabit the same sheets. Therefore, when doing so, you help increase their life expectancy.
Although we don’t usually realize it, the sheets and bedspread have moisture and heat. They are generated due to the sweat we produce when sleeping. This moisture coupled with poor ventilation makes a perfect home for mites. This environment allows them to easily reproduce and live for a long time without us being aware of it.
By creating a haven for mites, you’re more likely to suffer from asthma, eczema or dermatitis, chronic hay fever, different respiratory allergies, and even insomnia. In fact, the investigation showed a made up bed may be home to up to 1.5 million mites. Therefore, if your bed is made, there is a greater risk of developing one of these diseases.
Read this article too:
7 Tips for Reducing Mites at Home
Find out more about why you shouldn’t make the bed
Stephen Pretlove, the leading scientist, said that in order to prevent diseases caused by mites, it’s best to combat them by not making the bed when you wake up. When you don’t make the bed, the mites can be more easily removed. This especially happens when their ventilation in your bedroom.
Mites can be removed with fresh air and sun exposure. Therefore, to stop them from reproducing by leaving the sheets unmade and the window opened.
Pretlove also revealed that many insects and pests can be eliminated with different cleaning products and by using a vacuum cleaner. However, he clarified that the mites cannot be eliminated in this way. Therefore, he recommended ventilating the room frequently, washing the sheets and blankets regularly. Also, it’s especially important to expose them to sunlight.
In conclusion, the researchers noted that these findings may be key in preventing allergies or similar diseases. Also, not making the bed could be helpful in treating these conditions.
Therefore, those who don’t enjoy making the bed, now have a good reason not to. And those who do it often, especially after getting up, should start considering these recommendations. By doing so, they can prevent mites from reproducing and lower their life expectancy. Also, not making the bed can help prevent the diseases mentioned above.
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