5 Natural Remedies for Sunstroke

Sunstroke is caused by too much sun exposure without the right protection. Do you get heat stroke easily? Find out some natural remedies to help you calm your symptoms.
5 Natural Remedies for Sunstroke

Last update: 14 August, 2022

There are natural remedies to combat sunstroke, or more exactly, to reduce or attenuate some of its consequences. Among its main symptoms we can find: temperature rise, burning and skin irritation, and thirst that’s difficult to quench.

As is known, this situation is caused by excessive exposure to the sun, without adequate protection. And it is that when we are on the beach or outdoors, we do not worry and simply want to enjoy ourselves, forgetting to take the necessary precautions.

If you’ve ever suffered from this condition and do not know what measures to take, we invite you to discover some natural remedies for heatstroke, which can help you treat the problem at home, calming the symptoms.

What is sunstroke: Symptoms and causes

Moderate sun exposure has health benefits; as long as it is done with caution. However, when the sun’s rays are too intense and the temperature rises, skin problems can occur.

In this order of ideas, heatstroke is a clinical condition that’s generally attributed to the body’s exposure to extreme heat for prolonged periods.

However, it’s not necessary to spend long hours on the beach or outdoors to fall victim to the inclement heat or ultraviolet rays. This disorder can occur due to the simple fact of being in the sun without sufficiently safe protection measures.

In terms of symptoms, heatstroke is characterized by high pyrexia, as well as hypovolemia and a variety of other nonspecific signs. Among these are:

  • Headaches
  • Dizziness and confusion
  • A thirst that’s difficult to quench
  • Loss of appetite
  • Excessive sweating
  • Pale and clammy skin
  • Rapid breathing or pulse
  • Cramps in the arms, legs, and stomach

What to do in case of sunstroke?

It’s important to clarify: sunstroke should not be confused with heat stroke, as the latter is much more serious and can even cause loss of consciousness. Also, the ways of proceeding are different.

However, sunstroke isn’t usually serious if it’s detected early and the body temperature is reduced in the next 30 minutes. However, in some cases, urgent medical attention is required, especially when there are burns.

Most of the time, it’s usually coped with certain care at home. In relation to the measures to follow, the following is generally recommended:

  • Drink plenty of fluids so you don’t get dehydrated;
  • Apply moisturizing cream to the affected areas;
  • If you feel swollen eyelids, put cold tea bags;
  • Wrap ice in a towel and place on the parts where you feel the most burning, but do not put the ice directly on the skin;
  • When you go to shower, do it with lukewarm water;
  • You should not scratch the area, for any reason, even if you feel burning or itching.

Natural remedies for sunstroke: 5 alternatives

There are some natural remedies for heat stroke that can help alleviate the symptoms of this condition. We invite you to discover them in the following space.

1. Tomato juice

Tomato juice is one of the best natural remedies for heat exhaustion. It has lots of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, making it an excellent restorative for your body and skin. 

In fact, a study published in The British Journal of Dermatology indicates that tomato paste containing lycopene could provide protection against premature aging caused by prolonged exposure to sunlight.

What should you do?

  • In case of heat exhaustion, you can drink two or three glasses of tomato juice every day. To make it, combine fresh tomatoes with water and lemon juice. Then, drink it cold.
  • On the other hand, you can also spread tomato juice over minor surface burns. Leave it on for 20 minutes and rinse it off.

2. Natural yogurt

In addition to helping to treat skin itching, it seems that the topical application of yogurt can be a natural remedy for heat stroke, helping to mitigate some of the effects on the skin. Its probiotic compounds are said to help restore pH, supporting the regeneration process.

What should you do?

  • Spread a thin layer of plain yogurt on the affected area.
  • Then, wait 20 minutes. After, rinse it off with cold water.
  • Repeat the process to control your discomfort.

3. Cucumber juice

Another wonderful vegetable juice to alleviate the effects of heat exhaustion is one with cucumber. As you may know, this vegetable is 96% water. In addition, according to a review published in Phytotherapy Magazine, it’s useful for nourishing the skin and relaxing and relieving the pain of sunburn.

What should you do?

  • First, chop a cucumber and beat it with water and lemon juice. After draining it well, drink it cold. You can drink two or three glasses a day.
  • If you want, you can apply the cucumber right to your skin. This decreases the burns from sunburn.

4. Oat bath

Oatmeal is a relaxing ingredient that has interesting therapeutic uses. In this case, it’s one of the most effective natural heat exhaustion remedies. This is because it helps reduce fatigue from the heat, burns on your skin, and dehydration. This is affirmed in an article in the Journal of Drugs in Dermatology. 

What should you do?

  • To begin with, add a cup of oats to a tub with warm or cold water.
  • Then, soak your body for 15 or 20 minutes.
  • Finally, repeat this remedy two or three days in a row until you feel an improvement.

5. Aloe vera

The benefits of aloe vera are innumerable. In the case of sunstroke, it can refresh the skin, as well as relieve burns caused by sun exposure, accelerating the cell regeneration process, according to research.

What should you do?

  • The gel is extracted from the aloe vera plant.
  • It’s applied directly to the entire skin, rubbing gently.
  • If you wish, place some aloe vera crystals in the most affected areas.
  • Use this remedy to combat sunstroke three times a day, at least.

Note: You can try all of these natural remedies for sunstroke; but only one at a time to avoid unwanted reactions.

Should you go to the doctor for cases of sunstroke?

The best remedy for sunstroke is prevention. Therefore, if the days are too sunny and hot, make sure to apply sunscreen at least three times a day.

Likewise, avoid exposing yourself in the hours of greatest light intensity and opt for clothing that covers the skin as much as possible if you must spend a long time outside. In addition, it ensures good hydration, and drinking enough water.

Another thing to be clear about is that professional care may be required when symptoms are obviously severe. Therefore, if there are severe burns, prolonged weakness, or signs of dehydration, it’s best to go to the emergency room rather than try any remedy at home.

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.