10 Foods to Help You Maintain Healthy Eyesight

Consuming these foods on a regular basis will significantly improve your visual health and will also help protect you from eye damage or diseases that can harm your eyesight.
10 Foods to Help You Maintain Healthy Eyesight
Nelton Abdon Ramos Rojas

Reviewed and approved by the doctor Nelton Abdon Ramos Rojas.

Last update: 27 May, 2022

Vision is one of the most important human senses. That’s why maintaining a healthy eyesight is crucial.

Not only does our eyesight help us see the objects around us, it also helps us see the shape, distance, position, size, and color of everything that surrounds us.

This amazing sense can become damaged due to a number of different reasons, such as age or other external factors. This weakens our ability to capture visual information.

However, there are foods that can help take care of your eyesight and keep it healthy.

If you’d like to find out about some of the foods which are capable of preventing eye problems and promote eye health, then keep reading this article.

1. Eggs and eyesight

basket of brown eggs

Thanks to their high zinc and omega 3 content, eggs are one of the best foods for eye health.

These nutrients can prevent vision problems such as:

Also, eggs can be prepared in a variety of different ways. For example, you can use them to make omelettes, fried eggs, batter and desserts, etc.

2. Fish


Just like eggs, fish contains fatty acids such as omega 3, a nutrient that:

  • Protects the eye from muscular degeneration.
  • Hydrates the eyeballs and prevents injuries from dryness.

Likewise, omega 3 protects other organs in the body such as your brain and heart.

3. Berries

mixed berries in a bowl

Berries, such as raspberries, cherries and cranberries, provide our bodies with anthocyanins, molecules that improve blood flow to our eyes.

This is not only great for maintaining and repairing the retina, but it also significantly improves your ability to adapt and capture light.

4. Figs


Figs are a type of fruit that contain high levels of zinc. When consumed regularly, they can help strengthen your vision.

They are also known to help protect the retina, which is extremely important for your sight.

5. Vegetables

mixed vegetables that are good for your eyesight

As well as being extremely healthy and providing many benefits for our bodies, vegetables are rich in vitamins A and B.

These vitamins are essential for our health and maintaining healthy eyesight because they protect us from any type of damage that can be caused from the inside.

6. Nuts

a variety of nuts

Nuts are a great source of nutrients which help keep our bodies healthy because they contains vitamins and minerals which help our bodies function properly.

Due to their vitamin B content, they can significantly improve our vision by strengthening your eye muscles and preventing muscle degeneration around the eye.

7. Dairy

dairy products

Milk products such as cheese, cottage cheese, curd and yogurt contain essential nutrients that our body needs, such as vitamin A. This is an essential vitamin for eye health.

8. Carrots and healthy eyesight


Another type of food which provides many health benefits for our body, especially for our eye health, are carrots. This vegetable is one of the best sources of vitamin A.

When consumed regularly, vitamin A helps us to see in the dark and helps maintain overall eye health.

9. Citric fruits

citric fruits

Citric fruits have a high vitamin C content which protects and regenerates the collagen inside the muscles which surround our eyes.

Similarly, vitamin C facilitates the absorption of nutrients and vitamins provided by other foods that we need for healthy eyes.

10. Grains

a variety of grains

Finally, grains are a healthy, nutritious food that provide us with:

  • Vitamin B12
  • Folic acid
  • Fiber

These nutrients prevent sight loss and eye diseases and promote healthy eyesight.

Consuming these foods on a regular basis will significantly improve your visual health and will also help protect you from eye damage or diseases that can harm your eyesight.

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

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  • De la Campa JD, Moreira Díaz E y Valdés Roque AI. Vitamina A en gestantes evaluadas mediante encuesta dietética e impresión citológica conjuntival. Rev Cubana Med Gen Integr Ciudad de La Habana 1996;12(3)

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.