How to Detox your Bladder Naturally

How to Detox your Bladder Naturally
Maricela Jiménez López

Reviewed and approved by the doctor Maricela Jiménez López.

Written by Valeria Sabater

Last update: 09 October, 2022

It’s important that you reduce your consumption of salt and stay well hydrated in order to naturally detox your bladder and kidneys.

In the storage and elimination of urine, the bladder performs an essential role in our bodies. Believe it or not, it’s also an organ that is very sensitive to diseases, inflammations, infections, urinary hyperactivity, and even cancer. It’s worth knowing how to care for it, and improve its function. We’ll explain how below.

The need to repair and strengthen the bladder

Who has never had a urinary tract infection? As we said above, the bladder is a sensitive organ. Consequently, it will react against anything contained in the urine that causes infection or inflammation. And, at the end of the day, it may contain waste and toxic materials that must be eliminated from the body. This is why you need to regularly detox your bladder.

Incontinence or an overactive bladder are problems that can cause small changes in our day-to-day routines. Because of this, we will probably have to make more frequent trips to the bathroom. At first these are annoying, but they may become chronic.

We need to learn how to care for the bladder and know what foods and habits will keep it healthy and functioning correctly. You should never ignore any potential bladder problems.

More and more people are being diagnosed with cancer of the bladder due to tobacco use. Harmful substances in tobacco products infiltrate the walls of the bladder and end up causing the formation of tumors. It is a condition that could end up stopping bladder function entirely. In this case, a patient may have to live the rest of their lives with a bag attached to their abdomen to remove urine.

So, as always, our first piece of advice is this: if you’re a smoker, get rid of your cigarettes for the sake of your health!


1. Detox your bladder twice a week

It’s important to devote one day out of every three to take care of your bladder. At the same time, following these tips and guidelines will also help you detox your kidneys.

You’ll probably need to reduce or eliminate the salt that you consume in your meals. If you practice this cleansing for one day out of every three to detox your bladder or your kidneys, follow these tips:

  • Don’t drink coffee, soda, or sugary beverages.
  • Don’t eat foods with excessive amounts of protein.
  • Every three days, take one day to only eat fruits, vegetables, natural juices, and water. Avoid meats (fresh or processed), sweets, and refined flour.
  • Drink two liters of water a day.

2. Cranberry juice

Cranberry juice is, without a doubt, the best juice for treating and curing bladder problems. Many studies have shown the role cranberries play in the bladder by strengthening it and preventing infections. Besides that, it also removes calcium deposits that can damage kidney function, slowing it down and favoring the accumulation of toxins in the bladder.

Calcium deposits can also cause urinary tract infections, as well as kidney stones. Because of this, drinking cranberry juice on a regular basis is very healthy, and a great way to detox your bladder!

A glass of carrot juice

3. Drink juices that are rich in potassium for breakfast

You’re probably wondering how to best obtain potassium from juice. It’s very easy with a blender and a few simple ingredients. Take one carrot, a stalk of celery, two bunches of spinach, some parsley, and a little water, and blend!. This juice is tasty and very healthy, and will serve as a powerful cleansing agent that also contains a lot of energy to help you start the day. You’ll love it.

Closeup of watermelon

4. Watermelon

Watermelon is great for the bladder and acts as a diuretic. Choose watermelon whenever possible and watch how it regulates your urinary system by preventing infection and facilitating proper kidney function. You can blend it into juices or add it to salads and enjoy it any time of day.

Mint plant

5. The benefits of chlorophyll

Chlorophyll is a great way to care for your bladder and improve your overall health. You can find chlorophyll supplements in natural remedy stores or pharmacies in capsule form.

This natural compound improves the body’s metabolic function and strengthens the immune system. Besides that, it’s also wonderful for helping to detoxify the blood and give us energy. This health enhancer is worth taking at least five consecutive days each month.

Taking care of your bladder is basic, easy, and there’s no reason why you couldn’t start today!

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

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  • Jiménez Gutiérrez, M. Lombraña Mencía, M. Lloréns Rovira, B. Acebron Antón, I. García Marrón. Tabaco y cáncer de vejiga urinaria. ASOCIACIÓN ESPAÑOLA DE ENFERMERÍA EN UROLOGÍA. 2003. N° 85. 27-36.
  • Risco Ester, Miguélez Carlos, Sánchez de Badajoz Eduardo, Rouseaud Alberto. Efecto del arandano americano (Cysticlean®), sobre la adherencia de Escherichia colia células epiteliales de vejiga: Estudio in vitro y ex vivo. Arch. Esp. Urol.  [Internet]. 2010  Ago [citado  2018  Dic  08] ;  63( 6 ): 422-430. Disponible en:

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.