7 Benefits of Eating Beets

Did you know that beets can be a great substitute for energy drinks when you need energy? Also, they even help you increase your lung capacity when exercising. Try them!
7 Benefits of Eating Beets

Written by Okairy Zuñiga

Last update: 26 May, 2022

Beets are usually used in salads, soups, smoothies, and pickles. They’re even used as a natural dye. Despite the fact that this is a food that’s available all year long, there are some people who don’t eat them very much. To try and put things right, in today’s post we’ll be telling you all about the benefits of eating beets.

Eating beets helps you reach your goal of getting vitamins, minerals, and organic compounds you need for your day to day life. Plus, they’re low in calories and don’t have cholesterol

Here are the 7 biggest benefits of eating beets:

1. The benefits of eating beets to improve your heart health

The heart receiving energy.

First of all, the fiber in beets helps to reduce bad cholesterol and triglycerides. At the same time, it increases the good cholesterol in your body.

This reduces the risk of problems related to your heart .

Plus, the betaine present in beets helps to reduce the levels of homocysteine. Homocysteine is a chemical that is harmful for your blood vessels.

As a result, eating this vegetable helps you prevent cardiovascular diseases in many ways. These diseases include arteriosclerosis, heart attacks, and strokes.

2. They help prevent certain kinds of cancer

Another of the benefits of eating beets is that they can help your body prevent skin, lung, and colon cancer, as long as you eat them on a regular basis. This is because this root has a pigment called betacyanins. This pigment is capable of fighting the growth of cancerous cells.

Add beets to your foods or as a juice 2 or 3 times per week. Doing this inhibits cell mutation and slows the growth of certain tumors.

3. They strengthen your immune system

In addition, beets are a very rich source of vitamin C. This vitamin is a big help for preventing symptoms of asthma. Plus, it’s also a powerful antioxidant.

This means that they stimulate  your immune system . Plus, they also increase your white blood cell activity.

Are you constantly sick? If so, it’s likely that your body isn’t prepared to fight and defeat viruses, bacteria, fungus, and toxins in your environment.

Beets can help!

4. They help reduce eye problems

Beets have beta-carotene. This prevents blindness caused by macular damage. It also reduces the chances of suffering from cataracts.

Although these two problems are very common as you age, you don’t have to resign yourself to suffering from them. If you already have eye problems, know that you still have time to slow their advance.

Besides following your doctor’s orders, add this drink to your diet at least once per week:


  • The juice of 1 large orange, or 2 small ones
  • 1 small beet
  • 2 carrots


Put everything in the blender and blend it until you get a smooth drink. Then, drink it immediately. This prevents the loss of its properties.

5. They have aphrodisiac properties

Sexy couple in underwear making love.

Eating beets works as a sexual strengthener or an aphrodisiac. This effect is due to its high levels of boron. This element has been shown to greatly increase sexual hormones.

This helps you to:

  • Increase your libido
  • Improve your fertility
  • Increase the mobility of your sperm cells

If you and your partner are looking to get pregnant and you haven’t been able to, be sure to try eating beets more often.

6. They increase your energy levels

Beets have a large amount of healthy carbohydrates. The days you need more energy, you should think about using this root instead of energy drinks or processed foods.

Your body is able to give energy to all of its necessary functions so they work correctly. However, it only does this when it has enough carbohydrates.

Your body will also absorb oxygen better. This will help you breathe when you exercise.

If you have a craving for something crunchy before going on a run, try eating some beet chips. These are also great for satisfying a craving for a snack before a movie without giving you any extra calories.

7. They help prevent strokes

A woman clutching her chest in pain.

Potassium deficiency in your body increases the risk of having strokes. However, this root has the amount of potassium you need. Because of this, it’s a good idea to add foods rich in this mineral.

Potassium is very important due to the fact that it’s a vasodilator. This means that it helps your blood vessels relax and reduces your blood pressure, thereby helping to reduce blood clots.

However, don’t eat too many beets

Despite these 7 benefits that you get from eating beets, it’s very important that you don’t eat too much. This vegetable has oxalates. These are elements that can clot certain body fluids.

You shouldn’t eat beets if you have kidney or gall bladder problems, either.

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This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.