Beauty Tricks To Make Your Face Look Thinner

Did you know that a thick eyebrow can help make your face look thinner? It's not about foregoing the tweezers, but about giving them the right shape.
Beauty Tricks To Make Your Face Look Thinner
Valeria Sabater

Reviewed and approved by psychologist Valeria Sabater.

Written by Valeria Sabater

Last update: 27 May, 2022

Many of us women have round-shaped faces, with full cheeks that we’d like to play down. How can you make your face look thinner without having to make any sacrifices, and without working hard at all? In the following article, we’ll teach you a few simple beauty tricks that will work wonders on your face.

1. The best haircut for making your face look thinner

Straight, short hair style to make face look thinner

If you want to make your face look thinner, you should avoid curly or wavy hairstyles. When this type of hair falls upon your face, it makes your features look bigger. So, you should always use a straight or layered hairstyle. Straight hair makes your cheeks look a bit smaller. If you have naturally curly hair, try to bring it down to a gentle wave instead of full-on curls.

You should also avoid having jaw-length hair. It can be longer or shorter, but should never hit at that mark, because it will make your jaw look wider. Ideally, your hair should be a bit shorter than chin-length so that, when people look at you, their eyes are drawn to your cheekbones, creating a softer, thinning effect.

Try reading: The Best Hairstlyes for Each Face Shape

What about bangs? Long, short, with bangs, or without? In this case, you should definitely go for an asymmetrical side bang, just like in the photo above. By cutting your hair in this way, you’ll be able to make your features a bit softer and less round. You’ll definitely love the way it looks on you. Our last tip in terms of hairstyles is that you should always part your hair to the side, never in the middle. Dividing your face into two equal parts can really harden your look.

2. The best makeup for a thinner face

Woman putting on makeup to make her face look thinner

Soft colors on the lips

This is the absolute best tip in terms of makeup. You may be a fan of intense colors, such a bright red lipstick, but you should really stick to softer tones if you want to soften up your face, take the edge out of your jaw, and give your face a much more balanced look. If you choose pink tones or a nice nude, your mouth will look wider. Furthermore, this achieves a better balance and makes your face look much thinner.

Just the right amount of blush

Do you tend to use blush? If you do, then that’s great, because it is a wonderful tool. If you want your face to look slimmer, you should definitely use a bronzer, which will add a bit of light to your cheeks. Pass the brush diagonally from your cheek to your hairline, which is where your hair is parted at the top of your forehead. Always work in diagonal rather than straight lines, because that will allow the blush or bronzer to create a soft, thin look.

Focus on tones that will lighten up your face, and stay away from dark tones. For example, choose a shiny blush over a dark bronzer. It will look great on you!

What kind of eyeshadow should I use?

You already know the golden rule. If you apply a lot of makeup to your eyes, you should use a light color on your lips. And if you choose an intense color for your mouth, your eye makeup should be a bit smoother. Since we are focusing on softer tones for the lips, you can really play around with your eye makeup.

Use eyeliner to make your eyes stand out and to draw light and attention to your gaze and the general upper area of your face. Choose colors that make your eyes pop, and use eyeshadows that have an attractive lightening effect.

We also recommend: Try These 7 Makeup Secrets to Look Fabulous 

 Can my eyebrows help thin out my face?

Of course they can. You probably already know that thick, eye-catching eyebrows are in fashion right now. This is great if you want to make your face look thinner because full eyebrows will definitely help you get there. You don’t need to worry about leaving them completely natural or swearing off wax for the rest of your life.

On the contrary, you should shape them so that the wide middle moves into a thin end. This will make a beautiful frame for your eyes and draw people’s attention to the upper part of your face.

Woman with thick eyebrows to make face look thinner

So, try combining straight hair that hits below or above the chin with a soft side part and a combination of light lipstick colors to thin out the look of your face. You can also decrease the size of your cheeks by eating a low-fat and low-sodium diet, because salt makes you retain liquid, causing your face to look swollen. If you combine a healthy diet with these simple and affordable tricks, you will surely be able to make your face look thinner and actually be thinner in no time.

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

  • Esther Boelsma, Lucy PL van de Vijver, R Alexandra Goldbohm, Ineke AA Klöpping-Ketelaars, Henk FJ Hendriks, Len Roza, Human skin condition and its associations with nutrient concentrations in serum and diet, The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Volume 77, Issue 2, February 2003, Pages 348–355,
  • Nkengne, A., Bertin, C., Stamatas, G., Giron, A., Rossi, A., Issachar, N. and Fertil, B. (2008), Influence of facial skin attributes on the perceived age of Caucasian women. Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, 22: 982-991. doi:10.1111/j.1468-3083.2008.02698.x

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.