Thumb Author Maria Margarita Barrios Quintero

Maria Margarita Barrios Quintero

Human Resources

Professional in Human Resources. María Margarita Barrios Quintero has more than 10 years experience as a professional writer. She is currently dedicated to SEO writing and collaborates on web projects on different topics.

About the author

Graduated in Human Resources from the José Lorenzo Pérez Rodríguez University College (Venezuela), which is now called the National Experimental University of Greater Caracas, in 2010.

She took writing courses levels I, II and advanced, and courses in Latin I, II, III, IV, V and Greek I at the Faculty of Humanities and Education of the Central University of Venezuela (UCV). Likewise, she completed a course in writing and philosophical writing at the School of Philosophy of the Central University of Venezuela (UCV).

She works as a professional writer with more than 10 years experience. At first, she wrote legal texts for the Administration of Justice, and over the last few years, she has worked as an editor with SEO knowledge and has been part of web projects focused on a variety of topics.