Why You Shouldn't Eat Excessive Amounts of Avocado

Eating excessive amounts of avocado can put your health at risk. The recommended portion is just 1/5 of an avocado, which is equivalent to approximately 2 tablespoons. 
Why You Shouldn't Eat Excessive Amounts of Avocado
Eliana Delgado Villanueva

Written and verified by the nutritionist Eliana Delgado Villanueva.

Last update: 23 September, 2022

Are you an avocado fan? This fruit is very nutritious since it contains healthy fats and vitamins. However, eating excessive amounts of avocado can have consequences for your health.

Do you want to know what more about the negative effects that eating too much of this fruit can have?

Keep reading and we’ll tell you everything you need to know.

What is avocado?

Avocado is a fruit that comes from a tree that goes by the same name, and by the scientific name (Persea Americana). Since it contains healthy fats as well as minerals like potassium and vitamins like folic acid, it’s a very healthy fruit. However, you should only consume certain amounts of avocado for it to be beneficial.

The nutritional composition of avocados

The benefits of avocados.
Avocados are rich in healthy fats and vitamins like folic acid.

Avocados are very complete from a nutritional point of view, as they contain the following nutrients:

  1. Fats: They’re very rich in healthy fats,  70% of which are unsaturated. In other words, consuming avocado reduces bad LDL (low-density lipoprotein) cholesterol levels.
  2. Minerals: Avocados contain 60% more potassium than bananas, making them an abundant source of this mineral. What’s more, they contain magnesium and are low in sodium.
  3. Vitamins. This fruit contains vitamins A, C, E, group B vitamins, and folic acid.
  4. Vegetable fiber.
  5. Carbohydrates.

The properties and benefits of eating avocado

Avocados and heart health.
Given their benefits, avocados are excellent for preventing cardiovascular illness.

Avocados have numerous properties and benefits for our health. However, without a doubt, the most salient is the fact that they’re good for the heart. That’s because they’re rich in oleic acid. This monounsaturated fat helps to reduce bad LDL cholesterol and increases good HDL cholesterol.

What’s more, as avocados are an important course of potassium and are low in sodium, they help regulate arterial pressure. Therefore, they help to prevent both cerebrovascular accidents and heart disease.

And that’s not all. They also contain a significant amount of folic acid, which also contributes to decreasing the risk of cerebrovascular accidents and heart risk. Plus, thanks to their folic acid content, avocados are good to eat during pregnancy.

Avocados are ideal for weight loss diets and sports nutrition. That’s because they are very filling and for a long period. Simultaneously, they provide energy and regulate blood sugar levels .

Keep reading: Three Avocado Recipes to Care for Your Health

Why shouldn’t you eat excessive amounts of avocado?

How to lose weight.
Eating excessive amounts of avocado can lead to problems like weight gain in those who are prone to this problem.

Nutrition experts agree that avocados are rich in healthy omega-3 fats. What’s more, they provide our bodies with a good amount of vitamins and minerals.

However, like so many other things in life, eating excessive amounts of avocado can cause a have several negative effects on our health. For example, it can contribute to weight gain as well as a deficiency in the nutrients that avocados don’t contain.

1. Weight gain

Avocados are rich in healthy vegetable-type fats with high-calorie content. An average-sized avocado can offer at least 25 grams of fat and nearly 300 calories. Many people are unaware of this and, as a result, eat way too much avocado.

That’s why it’s important to eat avocados in moderation without going overboard. This is especially important for those who are trying to stay in shape and lose weight. The fat we find in avocados is healthy for our bodies, but also very high in calories. So, we should only consume it in small quantities.

2. A lack of nutrients

Avocados offer a good amount of nutrients for the body. However, we need other types of goods to achieve a well-balanced diet. Avocados should be part of a varied diet that also includes meat, fish, and vegetables.

Some people think that eating a lot of avocados will help them lose weight and get the nutrients they need to for maximum performance. However, this is a mistake. It’s important to remember that avocado doesn’t offer protein and it lacks certain minerals that are essential to our bodies.

3. Liver damage

Many are unaware that consuming avocados can be harmful to people who have any sort of liver problem. This fruit contains certain substances–like anethole and estragole–that can cause liver disease in those that are predisposed.

In this case, avoiding excessive amounts of avocado is even more crucial. Rather, these individuals should reduce their consumption and talk to a specialist about the possibility of including this food in their diet.

4. A risk for possible allergies

While this isn’t common, certain individuals can develop an allergy to avocados. In this case, they should avoid eating avocados altogether to prevent undesirable reactions.


As you’ve discovered, eating excessive amounts of avocado can be risky for your health. The recommended portion is 1/5 of an avocado, which is equivalent to approximately 2 tablespoons.

Therefore, maintaining a varied and balanced diet is the key to staying healthy. If you have any questions, talking with a specialist in nutrition will help you make the right decisions about what you eat.


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This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.