When it comes to buying clothes for your baby, you need to pay special attention to what they're made of. In the following article, we'll answer the question: What materials are best for baby clothes?
Newborn babies have very sensitive skin that’s especially susceptible to irritation. Therefore, it’s important to choose clothes that won’t cause allergies or discomfort. Do you know what materials are best for baby clothes?
Keep reading to find out!
How to choose the right clothing for your baby
Today, you can find all sorts of different types of clothes for your little ones… Comfortable, colorful, elegant, original, even matching parent-child outfits! The options are endless.
With so many choices, it’s important to know what guidelines to follow in order to care for your baby’s skin. So, what materials are best for baby clothes?
We’ll tell you everything you need to know in the paragraphs below.
What materials are best for baby clothes? Our 9 favorites
The most important thing to do when choosing clothes for your baby is to pay attention to what they’re made of. You should also consider any accessories, decorations, or embellishments they may include.
1. Cotton
Among the best fabrics for baby clothes, the number one choice is cotton. Clothing that’s 100% cotton allows your baby’s skin to breathe. That way, you’ll prevent your baby forms sweating, which can lead to irritations.
What’s more, cotton fabrics are perfect for maintaining the right body temperature for your baby. In other words, they help keep your baby warm in the winter and prevent them from overheating in the summer.
Looking for another advantage? Cotton tends to be very easy to wash, and stains come out much more easily.
Cotton is the best fabric to put in direct contact with your baby.
2. Batiste
This fine fabric is the perfect option for summer clothing since it’s very light and breathable. This thin fabric is soft to the touch and commonly used for baptismal gowns and sets. Of course, make sure it’s 100% cotton and contains no synthetic fibers.
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3. Linen
Given that it’s a natural, plant-based fabric, linen is another one of the best materials for baby clothes. It’s soft, light, and very comfortable. That means your baby can move freely and without irritation.
4. Cotton jersey
The main advantage of this fabric is that it stretches very easily, making dressing your baby much easier. It adjusts comfortably to your baby’s body and is very soft. So, if you’re wondering what materials are best for baby clothes, cotton jersey is a perfect choice.
5. Voile
This fabric is another very acceptable option when it comes to dressing your little one. It’s a fine fabric, similar to gauze, that’s commonly used to make summer dresses.
6. Cotton velour
Cotton fleece is extremely soft, 100% natural and holds in heat, making it an ideal winter fabric. Don’t hesitate to stock up of cotton fleece jackets and sweatsuits!
Velour is ideal for keeping babies warm during the cold winter months. It’s a very soft and comfortable material.
7. Muslin
Among our favorite materials for newborns, muslin is a popular classic. It’s commonly used for swaddling blankets, cloth diapers, and baby towels. However, it’s also a great option for making clothing.
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8. Microfiber
Microfiber is a popular alternative for babies that have allergies since it’s 100% natural soft, and light. Just make sure it doesn’t contain any synthetic materials.
9. Merino wool
Merino wool is a special kind of wool that comes from Merino sheep. It’s much softer and less rough than regular wool and is extremely gentle on a little one’s skin. It’s perfect for keeping baby’s warm in the winter, and even for keeping them cool in the summer.
What’s more, you can treat it with lanolin in order to make it impermeabilize to water (and leaky diapers). Also, if you use cloth diapers, you can use lanolized merino wool as a diaper cover.
What materials are best for baby clothes: General advice
Besides paying attention to the materials you put on your baby, there are several other factors to take into consideration:
Avoid articles with dyed patterns, since these can irritate.
Don’t buy clothing with buttons or ribbons that can detach and become a hazard to your child.
Avoid ordinary wool: While this is a natural fabric, ordinary wool can cause itching and even allergies and contact dermatitis.
Stay away from lycra and nylon fabrics: These synthetic materials can be very irritating to your baby’s skin. What’s more, they’re very uncomfortable to put on and take off.
When possible, avoid items with zippers, since these too can irritate.
So, now you know what materials are best for baby clothes as well as what fabrics and clothing items to stay away from. Last but not least, be sure to wash any new item before putting it on your baby using special detergent for newborns.
All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.
Moreira Vinces, Ruth. (2013). Factores de riesgo desencadenantes de alergias en niños menores de 12 años en la ciudad de Manta. Universidad de Guayaquil. Unidad de Postgrado. Investigación y Desarrollo. http://repositorio.ug.edu.ec/handle/redug/43854
Ünal, Zümrüt & şekeroğlu, Serra. (2017). Research of Required Qualifications for Baby Clothes from Past to Present. Aksaray University Journal of Science and Engineering. 1. 71-85. 10.29002/asujse.297987.
Tinajero, R. M., Salazar, R. E., Figueroa, C., & Escobar, M. R. (2014). El recién nacido. In El recién nacido: Una propuesta de atención de enfermería con enfoque de riesgo.
This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.