9 Tips to Naturally Reduce Abdominal Inflammation
Many people who have tried to lose weight also want to reduce abdominal inflammation, because this is a difficult task even if you’re shedding pounds.
In today’s article, we want to share nine simple and amazing tips to reduce abdominal inflammation by using food and some very effective tips.
Why is it so hard to reduce abdominal inflammation?
Whether you’re already losing weight or are naturally thin, sometimes it can be hard to get reduce abdominal inflammation. It’s important to remember that this condition may be influenced by hormones, your digestion, or even your posture.
Any imbalance could cause your abdomen and waistline to swell. In these situations, you must also find out what’s causing this disorder and how to naturally restore the balance.
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1. Eat slowly and chew your food
The main cause of abdominal swelling is some kind of digestive disorder. In a lot of cases, this is due to people not chewing their food well.
Remember that digestion begins in the mouth with your saliva, especially when you consume carbohydrates.
For this reason, you’ll notice there’s a big improvement in both your digestion and abdominal appearance if you make a point to chew your food until it’s practically liquid.
The healthiest thing to do is to eat without rushing or distractions in a pleasant environment, avoiding hurried conversations or arguments.
2. Breakfast smoothies
Since most people don’t chew their food enough, when you substitute blended foods you are able to reduce abdominal inflammation better.
One option is to have a smoothie, which you can make by combining the following ingredients:
- Fruit
- Green leafy vegetables
- Nuts and seeds
- Milk or extra virgin coconut oil
- Oats
- Pure cocoa powder
Having a good smoothie every morning also helps to promote weight loss without starving yourself and gives you energy for the whole day.
3. Having soups and gazpacho for dinner
At night you can follow the same example as above and make vegetable soups or fresh vegetable juices, like gazpacho.
When you combine this with a serving of a soft protein (lean meat, fish, eggs, fresh cheese, avocado, or nuts) you’ll have a complete and balanced dinner.
It’s important to eat lightly and early in the evening to avoid waking up in the morning with a swollen belly.
4. Experimenting with spices
We recommend using the following spices:
- Fennel
- Cumin
- Cayenne pepper
- Oregano
- Basil
5. Substitute dessert for a digestive tea
The types of foods you combine are essential when it comes to reducing your abdomen and losing weight, as well as maintaining good overall health.
This is why you should opt for simpler dinners without mixing different types of proteins, in addition to avoiding fruits and sweets for dessert.
It’s much better to leave the sweets for mid-afternoon, as a snack.
6. Control constipation
People who suffer from chronic constipation should deal with this disorder if they want to have a flatter stomach. You can do this naturally using any of the following remedies:
- Flaxseed that have been soaked overnight
- Prunes
- Ripe kiwi
- Psyllium dissolved in water
- Senna infusions (on a timely basis)
- Fruit and vegetable smoothies
- Whole grains
7. Exercise the waist
Any type of cardiovascular activity, such as running, dancing, or aerobics will stretch the abdomen and waist and help reduce swelling and tone your abs.
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8. Eliminate stress
Stress alters your hormonal balance, which is also related to the size of your belly. This is why many people who are under stress have a bulging abdomen in spite of the fact that they may otherwise be thin.
To eliminate stress, get some exercise to burn energy and also practice relaxation techniques, in addition to eating a balanced diet.
9. Get good rest
Another important factor is resting at night. If you don’t get enough sleep, your body becomes stressed and you gain weight and size.
There are no exact hours for rest. Each person has to find the right time for them and ensure that their sleep is both restorative and high quality.
All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.
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- Stults-Kolehmainen MA, Sinha R. The effects of stress on physical activity and exercise. Sports Medicine. 2014.
- Seo AY, Kim N, Oh DH. Abdominal bloating: Pathophysiology and treatment. Journal of Neurogastroenterology and Motility. 2013.
- Foley A, Burgell R, Barrett JS, Gibson PR. Management strategies for abdominal bloating and distension. Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2014;