The Symptoms of Cervical Spondylosis and Natural Treatments

Cervical spondylosis is neck pain that can seriously affect your quality of life. Here are several different natural remedies that can help relieve its symptoms.
The Symptoms of Cervical Spondylosis and Natural Treatments
Carlos Fabián Avila

Reviewed and approved by Doctor Carlos Fabián Avila.

Last update: 27 May, 2022

One of the causes of neck pain is cervical spondylosis. This disorder involves wear on two specific elements of the spinal column: The cartilage and bones in the neck.

Vertebrae are formed by a collection of delicate bones. The balance and strength of these bones are directly impacted by bad posture, intense or asymmetrical movements, aging, and arthrosis.

Below, we’ll tell you more about this musculoskeletal condition and what you can do at home to relieve it.

Cervical spondylosis: What it is and what it looks like

Spondylosis affects the vertebrae of the neck.

According to Dr. Rubin, cervical spondylosis is a degeneration fo the hones of the neck (vertebrae) and the intervertebral disks. It exercises pressure, compressing the spinal medulla in the neck area. Therefore, it’s such a painful condition.

In general, this degeneration tends to begin rather imperceptibly around the age of 40. Therefore, it’s common in people over the age of 50 to 55 years .

It’s important to note that the intensity of symptoms doesn’t always correlate with what image diagnostics reveal. In fact, there are many patients over the age of 60 who have no symptoms. However, X-rays reveal the damage.

At the same time, the pain doesn’t always extend to the arm. However, when it does, it’s an indication that the disorder is affecting an area near a nerve.


As strange as it may seem, cervical spondylosis doesn’t originate in the wearing down of the vertebrae or cartilage in the neck area. The root of the problem comes from the degeneration of the inner fibrous membrane of the joints. These joints lose elasticity when they lack water to hydrate them and keep them strong and flexible.

Just as we’ve pointed out above, it’s common for cervical espondylosis to appear as we get older. However, there are also children and young people with arthritis that also present this type of associated condition.

Then the lack of moisture causes a collapse in the inner part of the joint. When pressure builds up, the joints break down and rub against each other. Naturally, this causes pain, inflammation, and a stiff neck that sometimes comes with dizziness and nausea.

At the same time, if the cervical spondylosis becomes chronic, a bump or osteophyte can appear. This growth presses on the space where nerves are located, thus intensifying the pain.


  • Obviously, the most apparent symptom is neck pain and stiffness. Driving, reading, or hunching while texting can lead to a “crick” in your neck or even dizziness.
  • In many cases, the pain extends to the extremities. It’s common to experience some numbness and weakness in the arms, hands, and fingers.
  • Another symptom is a headache.
  • In addition, some people even get nauseous and lose their balance.
  • Some may also hear certain internal sounds, as if something were “crunching” in their neck.

How to relieve cervical spondylosis?

According to Dr. Rubin, the treatment of cervical spondylosis consists of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, muscle relaxers (for spasms).  Only in certain cases do doctors recommend surgery.

What’s more, the experts at Medline Plus indicate that cognitive-behavioral therapy can help if the pain is majorly affecting wellbeing.

If untreated, cervical spondylosis can become worse and affect a person’s quality of life. Therefore, medical attention and physiotherapeutic support are essential. Additionally, patients need to care for their postural health.

Hot-cold treatment

First of all, a simple way to reduce the pain associated with cervical spondylosis is the use of hot or cold compresses.

  • Compresses should be applied alternately to the neck and the shoulders.
  • Hot compresses improve blood circulation and relax your muscles.
  • Cold compresses, on the other hand, help reduce inflammation and swelling.
  • Please note that if your neck is very inflamed, you should avoid hot compresses.
A woman placing and ice pack on her neck.

Light exercise and a healthy diet

Before getting into any physical activity, you should check with your doctor or physical therapist. However, it’s necessary to keep your spinal column moving. This is especially true of the area around the neck and shoulders in particular.
Walking, practicing yoga, and swimming are three of the most appropriate exercises to improve your quality of life when you suffer from cervical spondylosis.

When it comes to nutrition, it’s best to include various sources of minerals. For example, sesame seeds contain calcium, magnesium, zinc, and copper. All of these minerals contribute to bone, muscle, and joint health .

You can include them in your diet in salads and smoothies in order to obtain their nutrients and maintain joint flexibility.

Sesame seeds are good for joint health.

There are also many who recommend massaging the area with warm sesame oil. Apply the oil to the nape, neck, and shoulders using circular movements.

In short, following the indications of your doctor and living a healthy lifestyle are fundamental when it comes to keeping this condition from becoming chronic and seriously affecting your quality of life.

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

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This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.