5 Steps to Say Goodbye to Bad Habits

Ending bad habits is not an easy task. However, if you follow some advice maybe it’ll be easier for you.
5 Steps to Say Goodbye to Bad Habits

Written by Lorena González

Last update: 26 May, 2022

Sometimes, quitting bad habits isn’t easy. However, if you follow these steps, it may seem easier. Don’t hesitate and take note of these useful tips.

1. Determine if it’s a bad habit or an addiction

bad habits

First, it’s important that you’re able to determine if it’s a bad habit or an addiction. The main difference between the two is the situational context in which it occurs.

For example, determine if you always have the same bad habits at a particular time or under certain circumstances.

Think what would happen if the situation changed. Could you wait a couple of hours without indulging in your bad habit or would you be unable to focus on anything else?

You must bear in mind that, in the case of an addiction, it not only has a series of symptoms at a physiological level, but also on psychological and emotional levels.

Therefore, it’s much more complicated. In this case, it’s a good idea to consult a specialist or a psychologist. If it’s a bad habit, you can correct it yourself.

2. Make a goal to get rid of the habit

Set yourself the goal of getting rid of this habit

Next, it’s time to consciously decide to get rid of the habit. For this, you will have to define the reasons why you have to quit. Think about the negative consequences and what they imply.

Don’t forget to imagine what your day-to-day life would be like without it. The objective here is that you find the advantages in quitting the habit.

Therefore, the important thing is to make a list of all the negative aspects. Only then will you clearly see why it’s important to you and your situation.

Also, it can help you to prepare another list with future positive changes once you quit. For this, you will have to describe them very well. This way, you will find the useful motivation.

3. Set a deadline to reach your goal

Set a deadline to reach your goal

It’s important that you mark the final date when you want to kick your habit. It’s best to set a time period that’s realistic. The most common thing is to establish a duration between one and three months.

Keep in mind that, however much you want to, you can’t get rid of a habit in a day. Being aware of this will help you prepare internally.

Also, the simple process of dividing you goal into several stages can help. This way, your mind will adjust to the possible gradual changes without stress.

For example, from tomorrow, stop practicing your harmful habit in the afternoon. The following week, do it only on weekends and once a month has gone by, abandon it altogether.

4. Find people who may be in the same situation

Find people who may be in the same situation

Through social networks, you can find people who share your circumstances. Their stories will be an inspiration. You can tell them your concerns, ask for advice, etc.

They’re in similar situations, so most likely they will really understand you and not judge you. Keep in mind that the more people close to you know your intentions, the more the possibility of failure is reduced.

And we often don’t want to admit it, we always value the opinion of others. However, don’t give in to the influence of society unless it helps you in your goal.

5. Don’t be afraid to fall back into the habit

Don’t be afraid to fall back into the habit

From time to time you will think about falling back into your habit. It’s important not to be afraid of it and not to blame yourself if you feel moments of weakness.

In that case, what you have to do is try again to quit. Sometimes, things are not achieved the first time.

You can consider your habit defeated if 66 days have passed since your target date and you haven’t fallen back into it. Then you will have overcome the bad habit that you had. Congratulations!

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.