Onion and White Vinegar: The Best Remedy for Feet Calluses
Did you know that one of the best remedies for feet calluses is onion and white vinegar?
People usually get calluses due to chafing, the use of inappropriate shoes, or if they spend too much time on their feet.
Some calluses can be painful. To avoid them, you need to try to keep your feet as cool and fresh as possible. For example, you can use espadrilles in the summer. Walking on the beach barefoot can also help a lot.
Although some calluses can be really hard to get rid of, there are natural remedies that can help smooth them out. You only need two ingredients to prepare the natural remedy we share in this article: onion and white vinegar.
Natural Remedy for Feet Calluses
You probably have onion and vinegar in your kitchen. However, you have to make sure to use white vinegar for best results. You’ll also need some supplies to make this remedy.
- 1 onion
- ½ cup of white vinegar (100 ml)
Before you go, don’t miss: 6 Spectacular Uses for White Vinegar
- Plastic wrap
- Cotton
- Pumice stone
- Old socks
As you can see, the ingredients and supplies aren’t hard to find. Here are the steps you have to follow to get rid of those pesky feet calluses:
How to make the onion and white vinegar remedy
To make this natural remedy, you first have to pour the white vinegar into a clean container. Then, wash the onion to remove any germs or bacteria. After that, follow these steps:
- Cut three onion slices and immerse them into the container with the white vinegar. Let them soak for an entire morning or afternoon.
- After that time, soak the cotton ball in this mixture and apply it on your calluses.
- Then, cover your feet with plastic wrap. Put the socks on to keep the plastic wrap in place.
You should ideally apply this mixture at night and sleep with it. The longer the calluses are in contact with this remedy, the better the results.
What to do next
When you wake up the next morning, wash your feet with soap and water. Then, use the pumice stone to scrape your calluses gently. After you do that, you’ll notice your feet will be a lot softer.
If your feet calluses are too thick or hardened, they’ll probably be harder to get rid of. Therefore, you must repeat this process again until you get the desired results.
For new calluses, you must apply this remedy at least once or twice a month. This way, you’ll ensure they don’t harden.
A Remedy that Prevents Fungi
In addition to preventing new calluses or making the ones you already have worse, onion and white vinegar can also prevent foot fungi. This is important if you go to the pool or gym a lot and sometimes forget to wear flip-flopsf when you shower in these places.
Instead of opting for a product you have to buy, you can make use of these two ingredients that you probably already have at home.
Best of all is that this foot fungi remedy, as you’ve already seen, is very easy to make.
What do you use to deal with feet calluses? We recommend you try this natural remedy, but you need to be persistent to get results.
Try to use this treatment as often as you deem necessary for at least one month, depending on the state of your feet. You’ll see that they’ll be much smoother and callus-free!
All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.
- Stefania Jabłońska, Majewski Sławomir Choroby skóry i choroby przenoszone drogą płciową PZWL 2005, ISBN 83-200-3367-5.