Natural Remedies that Relieve Muscle Aches

Natural Remedies that Relieve Muscle Aches

Last update: 12 May, 2022

You can quickly relieve your muscle pain by combining topical and oral remedies.  You should also remember to stretch your muscles before and after any physical activity.

Muscle aches are common and can involve more than one muscle. They can also involve ligaments, tendons, and fascia, which are the soft tissues that connect the muscles, bones, and organs.

Muscle pain is often closely related to tension, over-lifting, or muscle injury from exercise or physical activity. Muscle aches involve specific muscles and take place during or right after exercise.

They can also be a sign of diseases that affect the entire body. For example, some infections (including the flu) and disorders that affect connective tissues throughout the body, such as lupus, can cause a lot of pain.

A common cause of muscle aches and pain is fibromyalgia, a medical condition that causes sensibility in the muscle and the surrounding soft tissue, difficulty sleeping, fatigue, and headaches. Thanks to a variety of medicinal plants, you can treat these symptoms right at home in a very effective and natural way.

Rosemary and Alcohol that Relieve Muscle Aches

Rosemary is very effective for relaxing muscles, which relieves cramps and aches associated with physical effort.


  • 3 ½ glasses of isopropyl alcohol (700 ml)
  • 3 tablespoons of dried rosemary leaves (45 g)


  • Fill a bottle with the isopropyl alcohol and add the rosemary leaves.
  • Let it sit for 24 hours, strain, and then use.
  • Apply the rosemary alcohol on your muscles with some gentle massages. Let it evaporate on its own.

Kiwi and Banana Shake that Increases Potassium Levels

Muscle aches often worsen due to a lack of potassium. In such cases, banana is an excellent home remedy to relieve these pains because this fruit has a lot of potassium.

Potassium is the third most abundant mineral in the human body, and it plays an important role in nerve and muscle function. It also regulates the amount and distribution of water in the body.

Kiwi is high in vitamin C and potassium, which are two very important nutrients:

Vitamin C is considered to be a natural antioxidant. It protects cells and DNA from the oxidative damage caused by free radicals formed when energy is produced. On the other hand, potassium facilitates iron absorption. Its antioxidant properties prevent muscle injuries.


  • 3 ripe bananas
  • 2 cups of water (500 ml)
  • 2 kiwis


  • Peel and cut the bananas and kiwis so they blend easily.
  • Blend both ingredients for 4 minutes.
  • Drink the shake without straining before you exercise or do any other activity that requires physical effort.

Read this article too: 8 Benefits Of Kiwis That You Should Know About

Melon, Lemon, and Grape Juice that Stops Cramping

melon juice

This juice is excellent for treating muscle aches naturally. Combining these 3 fruits provide a lot of potassium to your body, which helps relieve muscle aches and cramps that you can suffer while or after doing a physical activity.


  • 1 melon slice
  • 2 squeezed lemons
  • 6 grapes
  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)


  • Blend the melon slice, the 2 squeezed lemons,  and grapes with for 4 minutes, until you get a homogeneous lump-free liquid.
  • Pour the contents into a glass and drink. It’s important to drink this juice before playing sports or doing any other activity that requires physical effort.

Check this article too: Four Amazing Natural Home Remedies with Melon

Apple Vinegar for Muscle Aches

apple vinegar

Muscle aches affect people of all ages and may develop due to many reasons. Some of the most common ones are bad posture, certain injuries, obesity, pregnancy, or heavy lifting.

Apple vinegar is high in potassium, so it’s also very suitable for treating muscle cramps. As mentioned above, a lack of potassium is the main cause of these pains.


  • 2 tablespoons of apple vinegar (30 ml)
  • 2 cups of warm water (500 ml)


  • Mix both ingredients and drink.
  • Depending on your preference, you can drink it before or after exercise.

You must stretch and warm up before doing any kind of physical activity to prevent severe muscle aches and cramps.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.