Living with Your Partner

Many couples are afraid of living together because they know they'll have to give up a portion of their personal space. However, living together doesn't always have to be complicated. Here are some tips!
Living with Your Partner
Isbelia Esther Farías López

Written and verified by the philosopher Isbelia Esther Farías López.

Last update: 26 May, 2022

Living with your partner an important step for any relationship. It allows you to evolve and connect more deeply with the other person. However, living together as a couple isn’t always easy, and it can take years to reach a healthy balance.

So, what should we take into account to successfully and happily live together?

There are many tips we can find online, but it’s always better to follow tips that are endorsed by experts. Let’s see what some of those tips are.

How to enjoy living with your partner

The setbacks that a relationship can go through are well known, especially when couples begin to share part of their routines. However, some options can help this coexistence be harmonious.

Dating and relationship expert Tracey Cox has commented on the number of relationships that dissolve because they don’t work as a team, making it impossible to live together.

Also, in his book “How to Be an Adult in Relationships: The Five Keys to Mindful Lovingpsychotherapist David Richo has also emphasized one of the most common mistakes couples make: trying to change the other person. In other words, not accepting the other person as they are, but rather trying to make them a replica of themselves by all means necessary.

However, aside from this, we can find other key components for a healthy coexistence as a couple. Can you identify them in your partner?

If not, it’s time to put them into practice.

Go to bed at the same time

A couple on a bed.
Going to bed together is very healthy when living together as a couple. This provides both moments of intimacy and communication.

It may seem pointless, but the truth is that going to bed at the same time allows the couple to share some affection once they’re already resting from all the daily activities.

Turning this into a routine also allows that, once relaxed, they can touch on some important topics for the relationship, as long as neither of them is too tired for it!

Share chores when living with your partner

Some couples often have problems because they intuitively expect the other to do some chores around the house. To avoid these discussions, the best thing to do is to plan or divide the chores for the rest of the week and take turns doing them.

Escape from monotony

Many couples begin to loathe the idea of living together because they feel bored or lack fun activities. In this case, we recommended that you think of a list of entertaining things that you both like to do and that you can turn to when you have free time.

Living together as a couple can be fun if you both decide to do so.

Discover: Why You Should Ditch Your Routine and Get Away

Enjoy quality time together when living with your partner

Not all meetings, trips, and other activities have to be in the company of friends or family. These can also become boring activities at the end of the day, and prevent you from really spending time together.

Couples should share pleasant moments alone and enjoy them as much as possible. 

Avoid complaining

Couples should also avoid being toxic. It’s okay to tell about some difficulty they had at work or a bad time they had, but then they should let go of that, and just watch a movie together on the couch.

After all, that’s what you are there for: to make your life together a place of love, stability, and tenderness in the face of the world’s problems. Put into practice some tips to stop complaining and make your life better.

Compliment your partner

Although it seems like a no-brainer, many couples forget to do it. But this is a common dating practice that shouldn’t be abandoned.

Couples should continue to say affectionate words to each other, even if you’re already living with your partner. A few simple words to compliment the other partner can make a big difference in their mood for the rest of the day.

Keep your partner in mind

A woman with a phone.
An unexpected message or call can be the perfect way to remind the other person how important they are. 

It’s not about going to work and seeing each other again in the evening or at the end of the afternoon when you both get home tired. Try giving your partner a one-minute call to remind them that you love them. It’s even enough to send them an inspirational picture through some social network.

The most important thing is to show affection in those moments when you least expect it. Just because you’re living with your partner doesn’t mean you can stop sending them cute reminders!

Have boundaries in place

Avoid smothering your partner, or having them smother you. We all need personal space to grow and share with others. It’s not mandatory to eat together all the time, nor to do all activities at the same time.

Respecting each other’s personal space is essential for the emotional health of the couple, especially when living with your partner.

By following these tips, you’ll be able to improve the way you live together as a couple. Above all, remember to look to the future with optimism and a desire to continue sharing.

If you ever feel that you need extra help, because you truly love each other and want your relationship to continue, go to a specialist and overcome adversities together as a team!

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

  • Alberdi, I. (2004). “Parejas y formas de convivencia de la juventud. Revista de Estudios de Juventud.
  • Instituto Nacional de Estadistica. (2014). Las formas de la convivencia. In Cifras.
  • López Doblas, J. (2018). Formas de convivencia de las personas mayores / Living Arrangements among the Elderly. Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas.
  • Ruiz Becerril, D. (2001). Relaciones de pareja. Revista de Educación (Madrid).

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.