Ripe or Green Bananas: Which are Healthier?

Some people like their bananas ripe, and others green. In today's article we find out which way is actually better
Ripe or Green Bananas: Which are Healthier?

Last update: 12 May, 2022

Bananas are one of the most consumed fruits in the whole world. This is because, besides having a delicious flavor, they are very cheap and healthy. People often debate about whether it’s best to eat ripe or green bananas. In today’s article we’ll be talking about this.

Many people have believed the false urban legend that says that eating them makes you gain weight. Because of that, they’ve eliminated them from their diets. However, experts have proven that the opposite is true. Eating bananas in moderation actually has benefits for people who want to have a balanced diet and want to lose weight.

What are the properties of bananas?

Bananas are a rich source of carbohydrates. This makes it one of the best vegetable sources of energy for the body. Their richness in sugar is balanced out by their low content in fats and high content of fiber. This helps regulate sugar absorption.

This fruit is characterized by making you feel full and being a significant source of potassiumPotassium stimulates the elimination of fluids retained in the body. It is also essential in the treatment of diseases like hypertension, gout, and rheumatic diseases.

Opening a ripe banana

Every 100 grams of banana gives you 90 calories, which makes them the fruit that contains the most calories. However, eating them in moderation is best in order to take advantage of all of their benefits. In this way, you’ll maintain a balanced weight without their consumption becoming a problem.

Bananas’ delicious flavor is accompanied by important vitamins like vitamin C, which helps strengthen the immune system. It also contains B6, which is key for creating new cells in the body.

Bananas improve circulation, prevent muscle cramps, and are good for fighting depression. They also reduce levels of bad cholesterol, and are great for skin and hair. There are many reasons to add bananas more frequently to your diet. However, the question that many people have is what is the healthiest way to eat a banana, green or ripe?

Choose green or ripe bananas according to your needs

2 green bananas

The ripeness of a banana depends on each person’s tastes. There are some who prefer them when they are still green. And there are others who like them better when they are completely ripe. But beyond those tastes, it’s important to know that the nutritional value of bananas changes as they mature.
We all know that the riper bananas are, the sweeter they become. This is because the enzymes that they contain turn into starch. As the fruit ripens, this starch turns into mono and disaccharides like sucrose, glucose, and fructose (simple sugars).

Right when the starch turns into simple sugar is when the banana matures and is easier to digest. However, various studies have found that, when they ripen, bananas lose part of their vitamins and minerals.

Bananas and our immune system

A recent study found that when a banana ripens, it also produces various antioxidants and anti-carcinogenic properties. These can benefit your body in many ways. When a banana is completely yellow and has dark spots, it produces a substance called TNF (tumor necrosis factor). This has the ability to fight malignant cells.

The study concluded that, the riper bananas are, the more effective and beneficial they can be for helping prevent cancer. Also, researchers also found that yellow and ripe bananas are 8 times more effective in strengthening the immune system than when they are green.

It’s best for most people to eat a banana when it is ripe. Especially when it is very yellow and has spots on its peel. People that suffer from diabetes can include bananas in their diet, however, they should still be green.

When is it not good to eat a banana?

Experts recommend removing bananas from your diet if you suffer from liver failure or kidney failure problems. In those cases, it’s best to ask a doctor before eating any bananas.

Keep in mind…

  • Because of their delicious flavor, bananas can be used in different recipes. However, it’s best to eat them raw in order to take advantage of all of their benefits.
  • You should avoid keeping bananas in the refrigerator. This can make them lose their flavor and many of their properties.
  • Once you peel them, you should eat them right away because they go bad easily.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.