Headaches Due to Weather Changes

Spring and winter are times when there are usually sudden changes in temperature and light that are related to headaches. Migraines are one of the headaches most affected by the weather.
Headaches Due to Weather Changes
Leonardo Biolatto

Reviewed and approved by the doctor Leonardo Biolatto.

Written by Carmen Martín

Last update: 01 May, 2023

Headaches are a very common discomfort with multiple causes. In fact, they’re one of the most common non-specific symptoms experienced by our body. And, curiously, there are people who claim to suffer from headaches due to weather changes. Find out if this is possible in this article, and why it happens.

The weather changes we’re referring to are sudden variations in temperature, atmospheric pressure, or even light. Any of these conditions are associated with discomfort. That’s why, in spring for example, it’s common to find many people in pain.

In addition, within the headaches, we find migraines. They’re a type of pain that follows a series of characteristics, as they’re more intense and incapacitating. It has also been shown that migraines are influenced by changes in the weather.

However, what causes this to happen? In this article, we’ll explain why headaches are related to weather changes, as well as what to do about them.

Headaches due to weather changes: why do they occur?

It’s quite likely that, at some point, you have experienced headaches on suddenly cloudy days, or in the face of suddentemperature changese. As we’ve already mentioned, many meteorological factors can influence this situation.

In fact, it isn’t only that environmental conditions trigger headaches, but sometimes they can aggravate them. Although it’s very common, it isn’t serious. It’s a pain that’s usually resolved with painkillers and doesn’t cause further concern.

Even so, scientists don’t know exactly the reason for headaches due to weather changes. It’s believed that when the weather is unstable there are alterations in the concentration of serotonin in our brain. These alterations are a consequence of the weather modifying our mood.

Serotonin is a substance present in our neurons that allows nerve impulses to be transmitted between them. It’s the neurotransmitter most related to mood, and also to headaches.

Headaches due to weather changes.

Another theory is that headaches come from the cervical vertebrae. As has always been said, older people may be able to notice weather changes in their bones. The same would happen with the vertebrae; the pain would start in this area and would be expressed in the form of headaches.


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What happens with migraines?

Migraines are a type of headache characterized by being throbbing and localized. They’re quite intense and, in addition, are accompanied by other symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and vertigo. Migraine episodes can last up to 3 days in a row.

Most migraine sufferers are women. This type of pain also usually manifests itself with high sensitivity to light and noise. Therefore, changes in the weather can make it worse. Very bright sunlight, wind, dry air, or extreme temperatures are closely related.

Migraines are more common in women than in men, and their intensity is associated with certain weather conditions.

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What to do about these headaches?

For any health problem or persistent discomfort, the most important thing is to always go to see a doctor. However, as we have mentioned before, they’re usually pains that go away on their own or by taking painkillers.

Most doctors recommend taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen or paracetamol. However, you need to be aware that no type of medication should be abused.

It’s also advisable to rest properly and stay away from very powerful light stimuli or noise, such as that caused by the wind. Although it’s a frustrating situation, it’s important to take it easy.

It may be useful to write down the times when the headaches intensify or appear, as well as noting if it they’re accompanied by any other symptoms. This will help you relate the pain to the cause and be able to relieve it before it gets worse.

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.