20 Great Ways to Reuse Wooden Crates at Home
Wooden crates (like the kinds that contain fruit) are easy to reuse if you just use a little imagination. Because they’re made of durable materials there are plenty of interesting ways you can use them, in order to avoid having to throw them away.
If you don’t have a wooden crate at home but want to try out any of these craft projects, then you can find them at your nearby grocery store or supermarket.
Today we want to share 20 brilliant ways to reuse wooden crates and turn them into something decorative and useful for your home. Are you ready?
How to use wooden crates at home?
Sometimes, we accumulate lots of objects in our homes that we no longer use and just take up space. However, why not consider how to give them a second life? Maybe you can use them for a different purpose than before and in this way, decorate your home in an original way.
In addition, you’ll also be contributing to the environment by reusing these objects instead of throwing them away. Therefore, today we’re going to give you 20 ideas for recycling wooden crates that you no longer use. It’s not complicated and can give your home a cozy touch!
1. Reuse wooden creates: end tables
2. Mirror and shelf
3. Accessories storage
In addition, this can help create a more organized, pleasant look to your room, which can also significantly affect your mood. Using the idea of harmony in Feng Shui, it feels very different to be in a messy room than in an organized one.
4. Kitchen organizer
You might be interested: Ideas to help you organize your kitchen storage
5. A shoe bench
Use spray paint to coat the crate and then line one side with fabric. Use the hollow space inside for shoe storage.
6. Garden or patio furniture
7. Children’s toy chest
8. Small living room furniture
Add several drawers to a painted fruit crate and use it in your living room to store magazines, books, or anything else you need.
9. Small magazine rack
10. Pet bed
11. Coffee table
12. Craft box
13. A toy train
Paint it with bright colors, then add wheels, and your children will love to play with it.
14. Book boxes
15. Wheeled organizers
This is a great craft for people who are short on storage space in their home. Firstly decorate the crates, add wheels, and then store them under the bed to keep things looking tidy.
16. Living room shelving
Instead of spending all your money buying furniture to decorate your living room, fix several painted crates together to build a shelf.
17. Wall organizer
Fix some painted crates on your walls to get unique organizers. You can put labels on each one to keep things organized.
18. A ledge for toys
19. Bathroom furniture
Put two crates together, paint them, and then place them in your bathroom for organizing towels, toiletries, and to add a decorative touch.
20. Garden pots
Create original decoration with wooden crates
Interesting, right? So, now you know how you can reuse wooden crates in such a creative way, you can have fun coming up with your own creations at home.
In addition, this can help you awaken your creativity while giving your home a unique touch. You can also ask your family to help you and do these activities together. Do you want to try this at home?
All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.
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