Fight Osteoporosis with these Natural Remedies
It’s normal to have to accept certain things as part of the process of aging. For some people, aging comes with cognitive impairment or pains from arthritis. For others, it comes with osteoporosis. Learn how to fight osteoporosis in today’s article.
Osteoporosis is a disease that causes your bones to gradually weaken due to a decrease in your levels of calcium. It affects the strength and density of your bones and increases your chances of breaking them. In these instances, a simple fall can become a serious health problem.
There are some medications that can help you increase your bone strength. But if you’re looking for a natural option, here are some remedies which can help to try to fight osteoporosis.
Fight osteoporosis with vinegar
One of the best ways to strengthen your bones is by increasing your mineral intake, especially calcium. You need to replenish these compounds on a regular basis, especially as you age.
Vinegar helps your body absorb the calcium from other foods you eat in a more efficient way. When you add a little vinegar to your salads it can help prevent the onset of osteoporosis.
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Quit smoking
Quitting your smoking habit will not just protect your bones from this problem. In addition to that, it will stop you from flooding your body with carcinogenic substances and prevent the onset of many other disorders.
Don’t lose too much weight
All extremes are bad. Obesity, for its part, is a problem that’s claimed a lot of lives in recent years, but having a little extra fat on your body is nothing terrible.
If you’re an extremely thin person, however, especially if you’ve suffered from an eating disorder, you’re much more likely to experience premature bone degeneration and develop osteoporosis.
That’s why it’s so important to maintain a stable weight so that your bones stay strong.
Soy foods
Soy contains a high content of phytoestrogens. These are compounds that closely resemble the estrogen that women need to maintain balanced hormone levels. In addition to that, they also help increase bone density in women.
It’s a well known fact that women are much more likely to develop osteoporosis than men. Eating foods that are derived from soy products, such as tofu, is something that can definitely help you fight osteoporosis.
Red clover
Like some soy protein, red clover is an herb that has a similar effect to the estrogen in your body. This can significantly help women reduce their risk of suffering from osteoporosis.
Keep in mind that it contains volatile compounds, however. This means that before you choose red clover as a treatment option, you should check with your doctor for any unwanted side effects.
All of the above make salmon one of the best foods to prevent or fight osteoporosis. Remember that it’s a good idea to keep a varied diet, and eating fish two to three times a week is a good option.
Get regular exercise
Staying active is the best way to maintain strong muscles. It will significantly increase the strength of your bones while reducing your risk of a break during a heavy fall or bump.
By exercising the right way, your energy levels will increase and it will help prevent other disorders that can be related to age.
Reduce your alcohol consumption
Consumption of alcohol in moderation can improve your absorption of calcium, but you should be very clear about your limit.
When you consume excessive amounts it can have serious impacts on bone strength and your overall health.
In addition to that, drunkenness affects your balance, so it increases your risk of falling and maybe breaking a bone.
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If you ensure you’re getting the recommended daily allowance of this mineral you’ll be sure to keep your bones strong.
Pineapple provides more than 70% of the manganese your body needs to maintain healthy bones. That’s why it’s never a bad idea to drink some fresh, delicious pineapple juice on a regular basis.
If you have conditions like diabetes or prediabetes, however, watch your diet so that the sugar in this juice doesn’t alter your blood glucose levels.
All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.
Curiel, M. D., García, J. J., Carrasco, J. L., Honorato, J., Cano, R. P., Rapado, A., & Sanz, C. álvarez. (2001). Prevalencia de osteoporosis determinada por densitometría en la población femenina Española. Medicina Clinica.
Quesada Gómez, J., & Sosa Henríquez, M. (2011). Nutrición y osteoporosis. Calcio y Vitamina D. Osteoporosis y Menopausia.
Mark, S., & Link, H. (1999). Reducción de la osteoporosis: prevención en la infancia y la adolescencia. Boletín de La Organización Mundial de La Salud.
- Plan de alimentación para la prevención de la osteoporosis. (2019). Retrieved from