Exercises to Reduce Feet Swelling during Pregnancy
When a woman is pregnant, the liquid in her body increases from one to two gallons, which facilitates fluid retention in different areas. To fight this problem, we’ll discuss some exercises that help reduce feet swelling in pregnancy.
Experts advise against taking diuretics during pregnancy without medical supervision, even in the form of natural remedies. This is because they can have adverse effects. Therefore, it’s best to do some exercises instead.
Swelling in pregnancy
Swelling is the consequence of increased fluid retention. However, other factors can influence it, such as high temperatures and a sedentary lifestyle.
As the pregnancy progresses, and especially at the end of the day, the pregnant woman tends to suffer swelling in the lower limbs due to fluid retention. In most cases, it isn’t serious or pathological. In fact, feet swelling in pregnancy is a very common symptom related to increased venous pressure in the legs and obstruction of lymph flow.
Nevertheless, it should be analyzed when it’s accompanied by high blood pressure or proteinuria (excess protein in the urine). In these cases, it may be a sign of other problems that your doctor should evaluate.
Exercises to reduce feet swelling during pregnancy
In general, experts recommend that pregnant women exercise. With this good habit, you can reduce the risk of excess weight and disorders such as gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, premature delivery, varicose veins, or swelling. Also, on a psychological level, it can help prevent anxiety and depression.
However, when pregnant women are exercising, they should take certain precautions, such as avoiding high-impact exercises, as well as exceeding the time of physical activity recommended by their doctor, for example.
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Water aerobics
An excellent option for pregnant women are exercises they can do in a pool. Specifically, practicing water aerobics can help improve diuresis (urine output) and reduce feet swelling during pregnancy.
Also, this prevents overly impacting the joints, improves circulation, and prevents back pain. Therefore, it’s recommended for pregnant women to do half-hour sessions, as long as they don’t feel any kind of discomfort.
Taking advantage of the benefits of water, a simple and risk-free technique to fight feet swelling during pregnancy is immersion. Also, it’s very relaxing for pregnant women at the last stage of pregnancy.
To immerse herself correctly, the woman must sit in the bathtub with her legs horizontal and the water up to her waist. Also, she can do it if she has access to a place where she can submerge herself standing with the water up to her shoulders. The temperature should be approximately 89°F.
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Walking to reduce feet swelling during pregnancy
Walking is one of the simplest and most effective exercises for pregnant women who want to prevent or relieve feet swelling. The risk of injury or other problems is very low. In addition, it’s pleasant and beneficial.
This activity should be moderate and pregnant women should do it for half an hour several times a week. It’s best for pregnant women to walk 150 minutes per week. However, this should happen only if there are no complications.
In addition, they can also wear compression stockings. These promote good circulation and facilitate venous return to the heart. Also, they help prevent varicose veins.
Prenatal yoga
To finish, if they want to opt for a guided activity, pregnant women can try prenatal yoga. This discipline can benefit them on a physical, mental, and emotional level, in addition to fighting fluid retention in the feet. In this case, the famous yoga poses (or asanas) focus on all the needs of pregnant women.
The exercises that we shared are simple and are designed to minimize any risk during pregnancy. In addition to helping reduce feet swelling during pregnancy, they’re beneficial in many other ways, even during delivery. If you’re pregnant, try them out today!
All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.
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