How to Clean Your Lungs Naturally
Did you know that it’s possible to clean your lungs naturally?
Before everything else, though, you should keep in mind that if you smoke, all of the tar from the cigarettes settles in your lungs. This makes it very difficult to take in oxygen to your cells and expel carbon dioxide.
Nevertheless, whether or not you’re a smoker, you can clean your lungs by following these simple, practical tips.
Tips to Clean Your Lungs Naturally
First of all, it’s important that your diet is rich in citrus fruits, since these fruits have a high vitamin C content. This can help you eliminate free radicals that can cause congestion.
Seasonal changes
As we all know, autumn and winter are the two worst seasons for your lungs. Illnesses multiply, and anybody can suffer from the most characteristic lung problems: colds and the flu.
The flu is a viral infection caused by the RNA virus, of which there are many different strains. Not all of these straings affect humans, as some affect animals, too. Some strains of RNA are very serious, possibly even deadly.
The flu affects people much worse in the winter because the virus is stronger in cold weather. At 32º F, the virus can survive for around a month, but at 100º F, the virus can’t survive for even a week.
The common cold (which is not as serious as the flu) is also a viral infection, caused by the rhinovirus. Because it is not as serious as the flu, you can find many medicines that are able to help the symptoms. However, preventing colds is the best way to cure them (and it’s also much healthier and cheaper!).
That’s why in this article we’ll give you some advice on how to clean your lungs naturally.
What’s so bad about phlegm?
If we talk about cleaning the lungs, of course we’re going to need to talk about phlegm. Phlegm secretions are always a sign of alarm for your lungs, because if you have phlegm, it’s a sign that your lungs are dirty.
The most common causes of phlegm are tobacco smoking and illness (normally the flu, but potentially also the common cold). Phlegm can cause irritation and obstruction of lung capacity, and so you should always try to eliminate it if you have it.
How can I get rid of phlegm?
The best way to rid your lungs of phlegm (and also prevent it) is to drink plenty of liquids. It’s recommend that you drink at least 8 glasses of water per day.
Another natural cure, which is quite strong, are vapor inhalations with rosemary, menthol, or eucalyptus essential oils.
- To do this, we recommend that you use water vapor from a humidifier (to which you can add three drops of whichever of the essential oils that we’ve recommended).
- If you don’t have a humidifier, you can boil some water and then add three drops of essential oil once the water is bubbling. Take it off the heat afterwards and breathe in the steam.
See also:
Discover the Incredible Uses and Benefits of Rosemary
With these simple tips, you can make it a part of your routine to clean your lungs naturally, improve your lung capacity, and prevent the flu virus and other respiratory problems.
Warning: People who suffer from asthma should not undertake any of these procedures without first consulting a doctor.
All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.
- Imanaka, H. (2012). Keep the tube clean, keep the lungs clean? Critical Care Medicine.
- Heyder, J., Beck-Speier, I., Ferron, G. A., Josten, M., Karg, E., Kreyling, W. G., … Schulz, H. (2009). Long-term responses of canine lungs to acidic particles responses to acidic particles. Inhalation Toxicology.
- Schraufnagel, D. E. (2010). Lung lymphatic anatomy and correlates. Pathophysiology.