13 Indoor Hanging Plants to Decorate Your Home

Just as you'll find popular choices of hanging plants, you'll find some lesser-known ones. The best thing about all the plants we'll present is that they'll look beautiful in your home!
13 Indoor Hanging Plants to Decorate Your Home

Last update: 27 May, 2022

Indoor hanging plants bring life to our home. In addition to decorating, they serve to clean the surrounding air, scare away mosquitoes, and balance the room temperature. Creating an oasis in the house is very easy.

Green, green, and more green…Natural plants are gaining a place in our homes and offices. But don’t worry. Some are very easy to care for.

However, be careful before buying just any plant! Don’t run out to the nursery to buy just any flower or vegetable. You should first learn about the best hanging plants that we’ll talk about here.

1. Tillandsia, an air plant

Tillandsia happens to be a very exotic plant, since you don’t have to plant it in a pot to grow. Yes, you read that right: they’re so unique that you can plant them on stones, metal supports, pieces of wood, or any other decorative element. This is because their root don’t develop traditionally.

You can even introduce this type of plant inside a glass globe. Its beautiful lok allows you to play with various decorative compositions. The best thing is that they’re pet-friendly.

As it is, an air plant does not require watering, but it does need to be sprayed once a week. Make sure its leaves are thoroughly soaked.

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2. Peperomia: A classic and beautiful indoor plant

Peperomia doesn’t go unnoticed in a room. Its shape and greenery are undoubtedly very attractive qualities to most people, especially when its peculiar round leaves are in full leafiness.

As for care, it does require a little extra work; no direct sun, but it does need lighting and little water. Plus, it’s worthy of a nice pot that highlights its fleshy leaves.

Planta colgante Peperomia.
The Peperomia plant’s fleshy flowers are ideal for a lush look.

3. Bird’s Nest, a very peculiar plant

True to its name, this type of fern has abundant, wavy-edged leaves that develop into a crown. They resemble a beautiful bird’s nest when well cared for, reaching up to one meter in height.

Thanks to its characteristics, it can grow in rooms with little light. However, it’s best to provide a good light source, but no direct sun. Also, guarantee that there’s high humidity.

Its substrate should be moist but not waterlogged. It’s recommended that you water this place twice or three times a week, depending on the temperature.

4. Potus, another classic hanging plant

This is a plant with heart-shaped green leaves. It’s perhaps one of the best ivies for beginners, as it’s very resistant to adverse conditions.

It needs moderate watering, is easy to reproduce, and doesn’t demand a lot of light. However, be careful: it’s not recommended if you have dogs or cats at home. Potus is a toxic plant for them.

5. Himalayan plant, a leafy perennial

This is a real delight for the eye with proper care. The Himalayan plant contains beautiful and evergreen tiny leaves, which form a very leafy plant.

The Himalayan plant shouldn’t be exposed to direct sunlight. If so, its leaves can burn, so it’s recommended to place it in semi-shade.

Wait for the soil to dry out completely before watering. Prune the branches and leaves that have dried out.

It’s a hanging plant that’s safe for pets and ideal for creating a Nordic style in the interior of the home. Keep it out of direct sun and provide moderate watering. Also, clean the fern leaves from time to time.

7. Tradescantia, a very beautiful hanging plant

The Tradescantia stands out for its beautiful tones. It has an intense purplish or reddish tone to its leaves. This type of indoor plant is very resistant, so you can have it outside the house as well and it won’t perish so easily in the hands of a beginner.

You should only provide natural, indirect light and water this plant twice a week in warm climates and a temperature not lower than 12 degrees Celsius.

8. Rosary plant, unmistakable for its shape

This is also known as “pearl necklace” thanks to its characteristic branches covered with green pearls. These are actually the plant’s water reserves, which allow it to survive extended droughts. However, it needs moderate watering to stay in shape.

This succulent plant demands minimal care, despite its exotic appearance. Just be sure to keep it indoors, as it doesn’t do well with cold and drafts.

9. Silver Pothos, a plant that graces spaces

This hanging indoor plant has dark green leaves that serve as a canvas for its striking silver spots to stand out. Just place it on a shelf where it gets natural light, but not direct sunlight.

Watering should be moderate. Just water once a week during warm weather and every two weeks during the winter.

10. Spider plant, another well-known indoor plant

Ribbon plant, another name by which it is known, is another choice of indoor hanging plants to get started in this world. It stores water reserves in its roots to withstand unintentional drought. However, proper watering should be done two to three times during the summer and once a week in winter.

These are very resistant to careless and forgetful caretakers. It has numerous thin, green leaves. It appreciates a semi-shady location and likes humidity.

11. Petunias, a fabulous and cheerful plant

This is a flowering houseplant that will add a cheerful tone to your home. Petunias don’t survive cold temperatures, as they’re native to South America.

So, they should be in bright places with constant watering, but be careful not to let the water puddle or wet their flowers.

Petunias colgantes.
Although it’s customary to place them outside, petunias also grow indoors.

12. Hoya linearis, a very elegant plant

This plant has vivid green leaves, beautiful spiral-shaped stems, and elegant flowers that secrete a pleasant aroma. Hoya linearis is a very complete hanging plant. In exchange for all its beauty, you should provide it with good lighting, avoiding direct sun.

13. Hanging orchids, luxurious plants

The best known are the Cymbidium orchids, of Asian origin. They grow vertically and can reach almost one meter in length. They have beautiful colors and shapes that provide an extra of elegance to the rooms.

Keep in mind that it needs natural light, but not direct light, and that its substrate should never be completely dry. Therefore, watering depends on this. Also bear in mind that its optimum temperature ranges between 15 and 18 degrees Celsius.

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Hanging indoor plants: The perfect decoration for the home

Hanging indoor plants seem to be a decorative touch that will never go out of fashion. Nature brings brightness and life to the home.

Just keep in mind that each plant needs different care. The shades of nature are the perfect decoration your home needs!

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.