8 Things Your Fingers Tell You About Your Health
Just like every other part of the body, your fingers play an important role in your life, your health, and your everyday activities. But beyond just being an important tool, your fingers tell you about your h ealth and well-being in a lot of different ways – though you might not even notice it!
Several studies done over the last few years have been able to determine that your fingers do in fact reflect aspects of physical and emotional health. They can even reflect personality and even behavioral characteristics. However, you’re probably unaware of the things your fingers have been trying to tell you! I n today’s article, we’ll discuss eight things that these important digits can reveal about your health.
1. High levels of testosterone
If your index finger is shorter than normal, you might have higher testosterone levels. This is true whether you’re male or female. Men nearly always have a shorter index finger than their ring finger. In women, they are typically nearly the same length.
These differences in finger length have been linked to testosterone levels, as well as other hormones. Testosterone levels are usually higher in men. Plus, those with unusually high testosterone also tend to have low estrogen levels and a reduced sperm count.
2. Risk of osteoarthritis
3. Risk of prostate cancer
A study at the University of Warwick (UK) found that men whose index fingers are longer than their ring fingers are at a higher risk for prostate cancer.
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9 Natural Remedies for Prostate Cancer
4. A genetic advantage
If your index finger is much shorter than your ring finger, it might also indicate that you were exposed to high levels of testosterone while in the womb. A study at King’s College in the United Kingdom found that hormone exposure during gestation can influence future behavioral patterns.
5. It could correlate with the size of the penis
6. Evidence of hypothyroidism
A high intake of sodium can cause fluid retention, and is likely to result in temporary swelling of the fingers. This can be eliminated using natural remedies to fight fluid retention. But if your fingers remain swollen for long periods of time, or if this happens a lot, it could indicate a problem with the function of your thyroid. This in turn can slow down your metabolism and result in increased weight and fluid retention.
Read more:
Habits that Alter Your Thyroid
7. You have excellent athletic skills
8. Your fingers might even suggest you’re a good businessperson!
Further research has found that people who have a longer ring finger tend to be more successful in business ventures. In a study conducted at the University of Cambridge (United Kingdom), researchers determined that financial investors who had a longer ring finger made up to eleven times the profits of their peers. Researches have posited that it could be related to higher levels of testosterone.
Remember what your fingers tell you about your health!
In addition to caring for the appearance of your hands, remember that your fingers can provide clues about your overall health and personality. Maybe you’ll find this information useful one day in detecting certain problems or concerns, and finding out how to correct them.
All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.
- Coates, John., Gurnell, Mark.,Rustichini, Aldo. (2009).Second-to-fourth digit ratio predicts success among high-frequency financial traders. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2626753/
- VV.AA. (2011).Second to fourth digit ratio: a predictor of adult penile length. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3739592/
- University of Warwick. (2009)Finger length points to prostate cancer risk. https://warwick.ac.uk/newsandevents/pressreleases/finger_length_points/
- VV.AA. (2007).Index to ring finger length ratio and the risk of osteoarthritis. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/art.23237
- Maílhos, Álvaro., Buunk, Abraham., Del Arca, Denise. (2013).La relación 2D:4D muestra una leve correlación positiva con la dominancia agresiva, pero no con la dominancia social, en jugadores de fútbol de categorías formativas de un equipo de Primera División en Uruguay. http://www.scielo.edu.uy/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1688-42212013000200004