The 83 Best Phrases to Tattoo

Don't miss our compilation of the best phrases to tattoo if you're considering getting one.
The 83 Best Phrases to Tattoo

Last update: 11 March, 2023

If you’re looking for tattoo ideas, check out the following phrases to tattoo. These are also great elements to decorate your skin as you please. Not only can you choose from a variety of designs, shapes, and colors, but you explore the endless alternatives in terms of body placement as well.

Phrases are widely used in tattoos because they convey a specific idea. Thus, you can use them as a main tattoo or as a complement to a figure or other design. As you may already know, a couple of words can gather a complete philosophy, a thought, an ideology, or a belief. Our tattoo phrases collect different ideas that will surely inspire you.

The 83 best phrases to tattoo

Although it’s true that there are alternatives for removing a tattoo, in general, we can say that tattoos are permanent. Therefore, the choice of design or colors must be made carefully. After all, this is something that you will carry with you everywhere and that should make you feel comfortable. So, with this in mind, let’s take a look at some tattoo phrases you can use.

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1. While there’s life, there’s hope

This phrase comes from the Bible – specifically Ecclesiastes 9:4-6. The complete verse reads: “While there is life there is hope, for it is better for a living dog than a dead lion. The living know that we are going to die, the dead know nothing.”

Whether you are a believer or not, these are words that remind you that there will always be reasons to hope as long as there is life. Also, there will be reasons to have fun, dream, explore, and enjoy. You can also use variants of this phrase, such as All is life until death.

2. Phrases to tattoo: Not all who wander are lost

Fans of Lord of the Rings will remember this phrase from the poem Not all that gold glitters in the book. This is one of the best phrases to get tattooed if you are a traveler, an explorer, or you like adventures. Also, it’s great if you follow a different path than others.

3. There’s no better moment than the present

The present is the only thing that matters, so you can remind yourself of that through these words. So, live your life without regrets for the past or fear for the future. There’s no other way to enjoy life than to do it from the present.

4. Phrases to tattoo: My dreams are fantasies that will one day become reality

If you consider yourself a dreamer or someone who has many projects to accomplish, then this sentence is the one for you. Its authorship is traced back to the Spanish artist Nach and although it’s true that it’s a little long, it can be an ideal alternative for larger tattoos.

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5. Fly with your own wings

This is an important reminder to fly with your own wings and not with those of others, which would mean that you would live your life through them or not under your own standards. Flying with your own wings is something that’s too often forgotten, so what better way to permanently remember it than through this tattoo?

6. Phrases to tattoo: Never forget who you are

Don’t forget your values, ideals, and principles. Nor should you forget where you come from, who you have been with, and where you want to go.

7. Anything that can be imagined is real

Pablo Picasso’s phrase that many readers will identify with. You don’t need to be a fan of the Spanish painter to get it tattooed, you just need to understand the hidden meaning behind it.

8. Phrases to tattoo: Forget your past

One of the best phrases to get tattooed if you are closing cycles or want to leave in the past the person you used to be. If you are overcoming an addiction, have decided to choose a new path to walk, or just want to get away from the ghosts that dwell there, this is a perfect alternative for your new tattoo.

9. I am the architect of my life

Just as an architect designs a structure at will, you also design your life with complete freedom.

10. Phrases to tattoo: Pretend that each day is a lifetime

Las frases para tatuarse son personales
For a tattoo to be treasured and admired over time, it’s important to agree with the meaning and design down to the smallest detail.

These are words that encourage you to live your life to the fullest without wasting time on things that make you unhappy. They’re believed to be authored by the philosopher and orator Seneca.

11. Ab imo pectore

This is a Latin expression that we can translate as ‘from the depths of my heart’. It’s perfect to accompany a main tattoo, although nothing prevents you from choosing it alone. The words are embedded in the poem the Aeneid, by Virgil.

12. Phrases to tattoo: A good traveler has no plans and no fixed destination

A good traveler goes where the wind takes them and takes every opportunity along the way to enjoy new adventures. These words have been attributed to Confucius.

13. Take a deep breath and stay strong

This is great advice that you can apply in your life to overcome unfortunate moments.

14. Phrases to tattoo: Freedom dies if you don’t use it

This is a quote from journalist Hunter S. Thompson that may be in line with your ideas. These are words that should cause reflection today more than ever.

15. My life is my message

Your actions replace words when explaining what you believe in, what you think about life, and what things you get out of it. This is one of Gandhi’s most famous quotes.

16. Phrases to tattoo: There is beauty in the imperfect

In fact, all beauty is imperfect, since perfection does not exist at the moment of valuing it. The phrase is often attributed to Conrad Hall.

17. Don’t dream your life; live your dream

Dreams will never come true if you don’t dare to live them. So stop dreaming and start materializing what you want for your life.

18. Phrases to tattoo: Life begins every five minutes

Imagine that every five minutes you have the opportunity to do what you want to do. How would this change the way you live your life? The authorship of the words corresponds to Andrey Buenafuente.

19. The power of imagination makes us infinite

Imagination allows you to dream, have hope, and illusions and gives free rein to your creativity. This phrase is undoubtedly an excellent choice if you consider yourself a creative person. The phrase is attributed to John Muir.

20. Phrases to tattoo: May the force be with you

The mythical phrase of the Jedi could not be missing from a compilation of the best phrases to tattoo. If you’re a Star Wars fan, it should be at the top of your list!

21. Choose yourself

In decisive moments you should always choose yourself. Choose your peace of mind, your security, your happiness, or your well-being. Stamping these words in ink will be a reminder that your firest priority should always be you.

22. Phrases to tattoo: Everything happens for a reason

If you believe in karma or fate, this is one of the best tattoo quotes to consider.

23. Dream until your dreams come true

This is another reminder that your dreams don’t have to stay in the realm of your imagination.

24. Phrases to tattoo: In omnia paratus

The translation of this Latin phrase is ‘ready for anything’. It could refer to being ready for new adventures, ready to face new obstacles, or being ready for new life experiences.

25. The moment is now

Perfect phrase for those who place the present as the place to live. If you want to achieve something, don’t put it off until tomorrow, start today to reap the rewards.

26. Phrases to tattoo: Age quod agis

‘Do whatever you want’ is the translation of this popular Latin phrase. It encourages you to act whenever you wish to achieve something important in your life. It also reminds you that you are the master of your decisions.

27. I will fight for the impossible

After all, any wish you may imagine seems impossible until it comes true.

28. Phrases to tattoo: Out of difficulties, miracles are born

This is a phrase that is in the same order as the previous one. It’s attributed to Jean de la Bruyere.

29. Trust in time

Time is a great ally to heal wounds or to place hope in the future.

30. Phrases to tattoo: La vita è bella

If you prefer, you can choose phrases to be tattooed in Italian. This is a very popular one, which translates as ‘life is beautiful’.

31. Nosce te ipsum

This means “Know thyself.” Besides being one of the best short phrases to get a tattoo, it’s also one that reminds you that you can’t truly live without knowing yourself. Know your dreams, illusions, fears, strengths, vices, and virtues.

32. Phrases to tattoo: Amor vincit omnia

If you think that love is the most powerful feeling, then you might be interested in this Latin locution. Its translation is ‘love conquers all’.

33. Fall in love with yourself

If you don’t, you will never be at ease with your life. It is one of Jack Kerouac’s best-known phrases.

34. Phrases to tattoo: Everything is relative

These are words that come from physics and have become popular in all fields.

35. We boil to different degrees

Clint Eastwood is the author of these words – words that remind you that everyone is different.

36. Phrases to tattoo: You only live once

You may consider this phrase a little cliché, but behind it lies a great truth.

37. Happiness is a journey, not a destination

Happiness is a treasure that everyone wants to possess, but few know where to look for it. In this phrase, you have the key.

38. Phrases to tattoo: We live in a rainbow of chaos

Although that doesn’t prevent its colors from being vivid and you can enjoy it. Besides, the rainbow always emerges after a storm, so in a certain sense, it is a hopeful image. The phrase is attributed to the French painter Paul Cézanne.

39. One step at a time

The speed of your march doesn’t matter if you know the exact place you plan to get to. Whatever you undertake in your life should be done one step at a time.

40. Phrases to tattoo: Hakuna matata

This is perhaps the most popular line from The Lion King. It’s an expression in the Swahili language that translates as ‘live and be happy’.

41. L`unico capolavoro è vivere

The French novelist Gilbert Cesbron left us this phrase that translates as ‘the only masterpiece is to live’. This is another reminder to appreciate and value life.

42. Phrases to tattoo: To live is to give

If you practice compassion, and charity or consider yourself a caring person, this is a great alternative for your next tattoo.

43. There is no fair wind for those who don’t know where they are going

This is another one of the best tattoo quotes about life that you can use as a reminder to always point your compass to where you want to go.

44. Phrases to tattoo: I wish for nothing more than my madness

Madness sometimes allows you to live with more logic than reason. Don’t be afraid to add a little dose of healthy madness to your daily experience.

45. The end depends on the beginning

This is one of the phrases to get a tattoo that you can also use as a philosophy of life. It’s applicable to love, to the projects you plan for your life, to your work, and to everything else.

46. Phrases to tattoo: Don’t just breathe. Live.

Life is not just about breathing, or working, or eating. If your day is stuck in this routine, you can’t say you’re truly living.

47. Some things cost more than you realize

These are famous Radiohead words that teach you about the value and effort behind every life achievement.

48. Phrases to tattoo: Life doesn’t wait

Life doesn’t stop to wait for you if you don’t dare to live it. This is a great lesson to avoid arriving at the end of life surrounded by regrets for what you couldn’t do.

49. Life is a verb

And what is a verb? The verb is action, so through these words, you will find the inspiration to enjoy your life with new experiences.

50. Phrases to tattoo: Only time will tell

Las frases para tatuarse sobre paciencia
An important part of maturing is understanding that maintaining patience is vital to deal with life’s difficult moments. It’s possible to capture this in a tattoo.

Time will tell if you have made good decisions and if the path you have chosen is the right one. One of the best short phrases to get a tattoo about time.

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51. My life is my art

And, if you wish, you can complete it with: My art is my life.

52. Phrases to tattoo: Always on to better things

This is short, direct and with a great practical sense. What more can you ask for when looking for tattoo quotes?

53. Broken crayons still color

This is another great phrase of overcoming challenges that can translate or symbolize a process of evolution.

54. Phrases to tattoo: If you want to be loved, love

Don’t expect to get love if you are not willing to love. This is undoubtedly one of the most practical love phrases to get tattooed.

55. Collect moments, not things

Moments are the one thing that can’t be taken away from you and remain intact even with the passage of time.

56. Phrases to tattoo: Be a voice, not an echo

That is, don’t repeat the patterns of others.

57. Prove them wrong

If you have only encountered people who tell you that you can’t make it in your life, what better way to remind you to do otherwise than with these words?

58. Phrases to tattoo: You are your only limit

Many of the limits you encounter in life are actually set by yourself. That’s why this is one of the tattoo phrases you can choose to banish ghosts that hold you back.

59. Say less, do more

Words are meaningless when they do not correspond to reality.

60. Phrases to tattoo: Smile. It’s free therapy.

After all, a smile is a treatment that also provides immediate results. The phrase is attributed to Douglas Horton.

61. We’re all mad here

These are words found in Alice in Wonderland.

62. Phrases to tattoo: Die with memories

Life, in many ways, is about collecting them.

63. If you can dream it, you can do it

This is a Walt Disney quote with which many will identify.

64. Phrases to tattoo: All life is an experiment

It’s an experiment that, in reality, is based on trial and error.

65. Never stop growing

The worst choice a person can make in life is to choose to stagnate.

66. Phrases to tattoo: Never, never, ever give up

This is a reminder that giving up is never the answer, especially when it comes to pursuing your dreams. The quote is from Winston Churchill.

67. There’s no instinct like that of the heart

Sometimes it’s far more valuable than that of reason.

68. Phrases to tattoo: The sun always shines through the clouds again

If you have gone through dark times, these words will seal a reminder that you will always find the light at the end of the tunnel. You just have to be willing to find it.

69. Letting go doesn’t mean saying goodbye

Sometimes, it’s even the best solution to solve a problem.

70. Phrases to tattoo: Semper fidelis

The Latin locution translates as ‘always faithful’.

71. Live the life you have imagined

This is a slightly different construction from other tattoo phrases we have noted in the same vein.

72. Be true to yourself

If you don’t, you will be shortchanging the one person you should cherish most in your entire life.

73. Je ne regrette rien

I regret nothing‘. These are words from Edith Piaf’s acclaimed song that leaves regret in the past. It’s one of the best phrases to get a tattoo if you are looking for closure.

74. Phrases to tattoo: Less is more

The paradox contained in these words – or at least its contradictory meaning – is what makes it so original.

75. The truth will set you free

This is a reminder to never stop seeking the truth.

76. Phrases to tattoo: Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?

‘Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?’. Gerard Way is the author of this phrase which, while admittedly may be a bit long for a tattoo, can still fit seamlessly into larger designs.

77. Live and let live

More than a phrase, this is a philosophy of life. It’s perfect, then, for a new tattoo.

78. Phrases to tattoo: All you need is love

“All you need is love.” This is John Lennon’s phrase that all fans of the composer remember fondly.

79. The best is yet to come

These are words that fill you with hope for the future. As long as you create the conditions for it, good things will come your way.

80. Phrases to tattoo: If you want to sing, then sing

One of the best phrases for music tattoos. In a more general sense, it encourages you to do what you want to do regardless of the opinion of others.

81. Life goes on

It will always go on. When you have the will to go on, no matter the obstacles, tragedies, or setbacks.

82. Errare humanum est

To err is human is the translation of this well-known Latin locution. This is a great choice if you made mistakes in the past that you are trying to heal in the present.

83. Phrases to tattoo: There’s no happiness without some madness

(That is, if madness is understood as something that departs from the norm).

With these words, we close our list of the best phrases to get tattooed. They gather different thoughts, ideas, and even references to popular culture. Finally, remember to think carefully about which of them all fit your interests or thoughts before you decide to mark them with ink on your skin.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.