8 Possible Signs of Digestive Problems
When we have too much, we notice discomfort and identify certain symptoms, such as abdominal swelling, gas, stomach pain, nausea, among others. Now, these and other signs can appear at other times to indicate that something is not going well with the digestive system. In this case, we should review our habits and go for a medical check-up.
Let’s see what the most common signs are that can indicate a problem in the digestive system.
1. Constant feelings of fatigue
The feeling of tiredness can occur for different reasons, from a bad night’s sleep to a health problem. And although we usually associate it with a psychosomatic disorder, it can also indicate a health problem in the digestive system.
If we’re not getting the right amount of nutrients we need from our diet, we may feel constantly fatigued and without energy. Similarly, if we maintain bad eating habits, we may also feel exhausted more easily.
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2. You feel anxious or irritable
The brain is directly related to digestive health. Therefore, when something goes wrong with your stomach, you may feel more irritated or anxious than usual, in addition to experiencing other symptoms. Or you may simply be more prone to mood swings.
The enteric nervous system is the main object of study in neurogastroenterology. It provides very interesting information about this relationship between the brain and the stomach.
2. You have regular skin problems
The skin is the largest organ in the body and can be a reflection of how healthy we are. So, if something inside us is not going well, the skin will reflect it in one way or another.
Rashes, redness, and acne breakouts are often symptoms of gastrointestinal diseases. Of course, in some cases, they are only mild and temporary issues.
4. You frequently suffer from infections
This is something similar to the feeling of constant tiredness. Frequent infections are a clear indicator that something inside us is not right (or that something is failing in the digestive system).
When the immune system is weakened and deals with harmful bacteria, it “doesn’t have time” to fight off stomach infections. As a result, the body tends to get sick more easily.
5. You suffer from bad breath
Persistent bad breath and acidic tastes in the mouth can be symptoms of heartburn and other digestive system disorders. Therefore, consider going to a gastroenterologist for a check-up if you suffer from these discomforts.
6. Constipation
Both constipation and diarrhea are very evident symptoms that something is wrong with the digestive system.
Remember that feces are the waste that the body eliminates because it no longer has anything good to extract from it. If the waste gets stuck in the body, it starts to release the toxins inside. When the bowel is healthy, bowel movements are regular and painless. When they are not, however, discomfort appears.
7. It’s tough to concentrate
The heaviness, swelling, nausea, irritability, and general discomfort that make us not feel unwell can also cause concentration problems. And although it may not seem so, these discomforts may be an indication of a digestive problem.
8. You have trouble sleeping
Like bowel movements, sleep patterns are a key indicator of good or bad health. If we can sleep soundly through the night, we are likely to have a healthy bowel.
If we find it difficult to sleep often at the same time, this could be an indication of a malfunctioning digestive system. The good news is that recovering health and good functioning of the intestine is not very complicated. With good living habits and, if necessary, medical treatment, it can be solved.
Just like your bowel movements, your sleep patterns can be a key indicator of good or bad health in your digestive system. If you sleep soundly throughout the night, you likely have healthy digestion.
If you’re having frequent trouble sleeping, on the other hand, it could be on of the signs of digestive problems.
The good news is that restoring the health and good function of your digestive system isn’t very complicated.
Do you think you have these symptoms?
If you’re experiencing discomfort, you should go to the doctor for a check-up. Under no circumstances should you ignore the symptoms (and even less so if they intensify over time).
All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.
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Tortora, G., & Derrickson, B. (2006). El aparato digestivo. In Principios de Anatomía y Fisiología. https://doi.org/9789687988771.