4 Natural Methods For Polishing Wood Floors
Are you looking for homemade methods for polishing wood floors? You should know that, in your home, you already have some very effective natural options. For example, vinegar, olive oil, lemon juice, and dishwashing detergent all work!
In this article, you’ll discover 4 methods that will simplify this task. We’ll give you the recipes and also some important tips to make the wood floors look perfect and stay in good shape for a long time. Keep reading to learn more!
4 methods to polish your wood floors
Wood floors give a warm, rustic, and cozy look to any room in your home. Although they require specific care, they also promise longevity if we treat them properly.
By applying the right techniques, you can manage to keep the wooden floors with an ideal appearance. You simply need to polish them with the specific products we’ll mention below, which are mostly natural and homemade.
Also, by doing this you’ll avoid unnecessarily exposing yourself to the inhalation of toxic components.
1. Vinegar and essential oil
First of all, vinegar is a natural household ingredient that people use frequently to clean their homes. We also choose to combine it with some essential oil to camouflage its smell. At the same time, this helps to aromatize the room simply and pleasantly.
- ¹⁄3 cup of vinegar (83 ml)
- 1 cup of water (250 ml)
- 15 drops of your choice of essential oil (lemon, orange, mint, eucalyptus, lavender oil, etc.)
Read also: 7 Tips for Using Essential Oils in Your Home
2. Olive oil and vinegar
The second method we want to suggest is combining two basic cooking ingredients you’re sure to find in your kitchen: Olive oil and vinegar. If you want, you can also add your choice of essential oils to create a more pleasing aroma.
The mixture of oil and vinegar is ideal for deep cleaning. At the same time, git gives a lot of shine to the floor.
However, if the manufacturer recommends not using water for this type of wood, then you’ll use only the first two ingredients.
Simply pour the following into a spray bottle and mix well.
- 4 spoonfuls of olive oil (60 ml)
- 2 tablespoons of white vinegar (20 ml)
- 2 cups of water (500 ml)
3. Olive oil and lemon juice
In this third method for polishing wood floors with natural ingredients, we suggest substituting vinegar with lemon juice. This citrus fruit is characterized by its great antiseptic power, its fresh aroma, and its capacity to add shine thanks to its enzymes.
- 4 tablespoons of olive oil (60 ml)
- 3 tablespoons of lemon juice (30 ml)
- 1 cup of hot water (250 ml)
4. Dish soap and vinegar
Finally, a practical and homemade method, although less natural than the previous ones, is to mix dish soap with vinegar. This option is best for wooden floors that aren’t very delicate and have a lot of dirt.
- ½ cup of vinegar (125 ml)
- 1 tablespoon of dish detergent (15 ml)
- 2 cups of water
Read also: Are Cleaning Chemicals Harmful?
Tips for polishing your wood floors
Finally, once you’ve decided on a method for cleaning the floor, be sure to take the following indications into account as well:
- Before polishing wood floors, you must clean them completely. You can sweep them with a broom or, if there’s dust or fine particles, you can also use the vacuum cleaner.
- If you notice that the wood is too slippery due to an excess of oil, you can wipe it dry.
- It’s essential that, after polishing the floor, you wait for it to dry completely before stepping on it. You can look for a way to block the passage to avoid mishaps, especially if there are children or pets in the house.
- If at any time any liquid spills on your floor, you must clean it up immediately to avoid damaging the wood permanently.
- When adding essential oils you must ensure that they’re pure and of high quality. Avoid using synthetic essences that are marketed only to aromatize as these could damage the wood.
Now you know 4 homemade methods for polishing wood floors that help them stay in good shape for a long time. What’s more, these last tips will help you to make cleaning more effective and the result much shinier.
Give them a try and you’ll see the results right away!
All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.
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- Rutala, W. A., Barbee, S. L., Aguiar, N. C., Sobsey, M. D., & Weber, D. J. (2012). Antimicrobial Activity of Home Disinfectants and Natural Products Against Potential Human Pathogens. Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology.