Morning Fatigue: Causes and Remedies

While it's true that sleeping well at night is absolutely essential, morning fatigue is actually caused by something else. Read on to find out more!
Morning Fatigue: Causes and Remedies

Last update: 15 December, 2022

Has this happened to you before?  You wake up in the morning and feel overly tired. You’re in a bad mood and don’t want to face the day.  Well, while it’s true that sleeping well at night is absolutely essential, morning fatigue is actually caused by something else. Read on to find out more!

If you’ve slept enough, it’s not normal to wake up tired. According to experts, repeated morning fatigue can be a symptom of certain diseases, and is something that you should mention to your doctor.  We are going to explain what the various causes could be.

Morning fatigue: symptoms

woman with morning fatigue sitting on her bed

  • Possible dizziness when getting up from the bed.
  • Dry mouth.
  • Vague muscular pain.
  • Gastrointestinal discomfort.
  • Chills.
  • Low blood pressure in the mornings (Hypotension)
  • Dry eyes.
  • Extreme tiredness that improves as the morning goes on.

You might like: 7 Reasons Why You Are Feeling Tired

Possible causes of morning fatigue

Prolonged morning fatigue isn’t an illness in and of itself. It is a sign that something isn’t working well in the body.  You are incapable of recovering and you don’t have enough energy to carry out all your responsibilities.

We all know that not sleeping enough is usually the most common cause of morning fatigue, but we’re going to dive into other things that could lead to further health complications. Keep in mind that what we are about to discuss is related to persistent morning fatigue. This means that it happens for at least 2 consecutive weeks.

1. Cardiac problems

stethoscope checking a heart

Doctors generally say that the first few hours of the morning are the most dangerous. 
They frequently talk about the so-called “syncope” caused by low blood pressure, which happens because of reduced blood circulation to the brain.  Pay close attention to your symptoms.  If your morning fatigue is ongoing, you notice that you barely have enough energy or you feel slightly dizzy, see your doctor immediately.

2. Hormonal problems: Hypothyroidism

Read More: 5 Herbal Teas for Hypothyroidism

graphic representation of hypothyroidism

Individuals suffering from hypothyroidism have a thyroid hormone deficiency which affects the body’s functions.  This lack of hormones slows the metabolism, which lowers performance capabilities.  You will feel tired and apathetic. Fatigue due to hypothyroidism is often more pronounced in the morning.

3. Emotional problems

woman with emotional problems holding her head

Experts frequently say that the way you face your mornings is a reflection of your physical and emotional health.  At that moment, you have in front of you a full workday, taking care of the kids, and other responsibilities...if your emotional state isn’t great, any sort of effort could become overwhelming.
Depression is usually marked by muscular pain, extreme fatigue, apathy, and general sadness.  One of the most difficult moments is undoubtedly when you wake up in the morning.

4. Poor nutrition and extreme diets

plate of a dieter with small amounts of vegetables

You need to be careful with diets.  Sometimes people decide to follow strict dietary plans which end up creating a very severe nutritional imbalance.  

Extreme diets could cause metabolic imbalances that are so pronounced they are capable of causing fainting spells or hydro-electrolyte disorders with sodium and potassium. That, in turn, can lead to heart problems, arrhythmia, and even heart attacks.  It is important to keep this in mind when starting any kind of special diet.

Fighting morning fatigue

  • First off, keep track of whether you feel morning fatigue for at least two weeks; if so, contact your doctor.  This could be some sort of previously diagnosed disease: a cardiac problem, hypotension, arrhythmia…
  • Take care of yourself emotionally.  If, when waking up, you don’t feel like facing the day and you’d like to stay in bed all day, ask yourself why.  Face your problems, find emotional support in your family, friends.  Get excited for each new day.  Peace and happiness are the greatest source of energy for fighting fatigue.
  • Be careful with the diets you follow.  Make sure you are getting the proper nutrients, eating a varied diet, and are always well hydrated.
  • Never forget breakfast.  This is one of the most important meals of the day and will provide you with enough energy to fight fatigue.  Include fruit and fiber in your diet.  Don’t drink cow’s milk, and substitute it with plant-based milk.  Eat fiber, like oatmeal, apples with the peel, strawberries or blueberries, and nuts, which also provide energy and improve moods.
  • Get your things ready the night before, so that when you wake up in the morning you have everything ready and all you need to do is peacefully eat breakfast.
  • Drink infusions made from ginseng, ginger, or maca, at least three times a week with breakfast.  They provide vitality, energy, and strengthen the body physically.
  • Follow a schedule.  Always eat at the same time, rest 8 hours a day, take time for yourself, walk for at least half an hour to get some sun...and as previously mentioned, consult your doctor about any abnormal symptoms.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.