How to Clean an Air Fryer Correctly
The trend towards healthy eating has contributed to the emergence of new appliances for cooking without having to use so much fat. Such is the case of air fryers, which are here to stay. Although the amount of oil used is much less, there’s always a bit of grease and residue leftover. Therefore, we’re going to share some tips on how to clean an air fryer without damaging its components.
The reality is that when we make french fries, by not having used so much oil, it often gives the impression that the machine hasn’t gotten dirty. However, the remains of grease and food are still present. If we don’t remove them, we could damage or diminish the effectiveness of the fryer. Let’s take a look at what the best cleaning suggestions are.
How to clean an air fryer: A step-by-step guide
There are different ways to clean this appliance. Therefore, your choice of one or the other will depend on how you use the air fryer. We’ll go over three cleaning methods ranging from conventional to deep cleaning.
The traditional method: Clean after each use
The first thing you have to do in each case is to unplug it as soon as you finish cooking. Once the fryer has cooled, remove the removable parts such as the basket, tray, and pan from the main unit. Although there are many models available, they all work in more or less the same way.
Next, wash each of these parts with warm water, neutral soap or a mild detergent, and a non-abrasive sponge. If there is dirt that is more adhered, you can help remove it with a soft bristle brush.
Also, you can leave the parts to soak in hot water and detergent for about 15 minutes. After the grease has softened, you can remove it more easily with a sponge.
While waiting for the parts to dry before reassembling the air fryer, clean the inside and outside. To do this, use a damp cloth with detergent and, finally, remove the soap residue with another damp cloth.
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The quick way: When you don’t have much time
It’s possible that you don’t always have the time to clean your air fryer as we’ve indicated in the previous point and you just need to give it a quick clean. For this alternative, simply put soapy water in the basket and turn on the fryer to work at a high temperature for about 10 minutes.
This way, the remains of grease and food will dissolve. When the program is finished, remove the basket, rinse it and let it dry. Although this isn’t a cleaning method that’s recommended every time you use the fryer, it can get you out of trouble more than once.
The third method: Deep cleaning
It’s recommended that you perform a deep cleaning every now and then to keep your air fryer in excellent condition. The first thing to do is to immerse the basket in hot water and a degreasing detergent for a few minutes.
Then, once you’ve checked that the grease has softened, you should use a soft brush or sponge and soap to remove the remains of dirt. After this, rinse with plenty of water so that no soap or detergent remains.
If the fryer model allows it, you should remove the part that covers the grill so that your can clean it with a sponge or brush. It’s common for pieces of food to fall on the grill and this is not something we often clean after every use. For this reason, we’ve included its cleaning in this third method.
In the case of models that don’t leave the grill in sight, you can try to turn the fryer upside down and maybe will have access to this part. In any case, you can use a brush to help you reach the grill area and thus sanitize it from time to time.
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How to clean an air fryer: Some last tips for maintenance
We want to emphasize that each of these three cleaning methods is useful and also necessary for the fryer to work properly. If food remains stuck in any part of the air fryer, it could be damaged.
Likewise, accumulated dirt could cause germs, and the use of the appliance will be slower and energy consumption will be higher. Finally, we’d like to leave your with these maintenance tips:
- Every now and then, you can put water with lemon or vinegar in the basket and put the fryer in operation.
- Never use metal or pointed utensils while cooking.
- Abrasive elements such as wire sponges should not be used.
- Disinfectants should be avoided because they may not be suitable for use on surfaces that come into contact with food.
- The most important thing is to follow the manufacturer’s instructions and review all the information included in the user manual.
All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.
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