Habits that Damage Your Intestines

Here are some habits that damage your intestines and can cause issues such as irritable bowel syndrome. Be sure to avoid them for intestinal health.
Habits that Damage Your Intestines

Last update: 18 May, 2022

Inflammation, gases, abdominal pressure… The intestines perform an essential function in your body. There are a lot of factors that affect their ability to function. If you don’t take care of them properly, problems can sometimes can even cause what is known as irritable bowel syndrome. What can you do? What habits that damage your intestines should you be aware of? We’ll give you some tips for taking care of your intestines in this article.

1. Maintaining a high-stress lifestyle: one of the worst habits that damage your intestines

A high stress lifestyle is one of the habits that damage your intestines

You should take stress very seriously. The pace of your lifestyle, rushing here and there, worries, anxiety, and stress can directly affect the health of your digestive system.

There are theories that talk about them being like “the second brain”. This isn’t as far-fetched as it sounds. Remember that neurotransmitters are synthesized in the digestive system. A high state of anxiety can cause irritable bowels, according to some specialists. Here are some other effects of a stressful lifestyle:

  • Alters your autonomous nervous system. This system influences the movement of your intestines, accelerating or lowering their rhythm.
  • Alters your endocrine system. It produces an increase in the production of hormones associated with stress, like adrenaline and cortisol. These cause cause problems in the digestion of food.
  • Excess eating. Some people use food to ease nerves and anxiety. This can easily cause an above-average intake of food, which the intestines may not be able to handle as quickly. It causes problems in digestion and the absorption of food.

Remember that your lifestyle habits and your emotions have a direct impact on your body’s functioning. This is especially true for your intestines. Maintain a slower-paced lifestyle, enjoy your life calmly, and be patient with your loved ones.

2. An improper diet

2.1 Avoid fried foods, and processed foods, fast food, and food high in fats

Eating junk food is one of the habits that damage your intestines

Hamburgers, french fries, fried chicken, pizza, onion rings… We all know what fast food is and why it’s bad for us. However we often resort to eating it because of a lack of time or simply because we like it.

But, how many times has it happened that you experience stomach pain soon after eating them? These foods barely have soluble fiber. Also, when you consume them in excess, they stimulate the intestinal tract excessively and can cause diarrhea as well as constipation.

  • Tips: Use the oven for cooking because you will use less oil as a result. When you cook vegetables, for example, you should steam them. In regards to oil, many say that olive oil is the healthiest variety.

2.2 Avoid red meat

Eating red meat can be one of the habits that damage your intestines

Why avoid red meat? Basically, these are difficult to digest, are high in fat, and you often don’t know their origin. It’s common that the animals are genetically altered so that they grow quicker. They then produce meat full of toxins that are not recommended at all.

  • A health tip: Experts claim that lean meat is the best kind to eat. Some examples of lean meat are chicken or turkey breast. When you buy those, investigate their origin and where the animals have been raised. When you cook them, avoid frying them. It’s best to make them with simple grilled or baked recipes. Avoid habits that damage your intestines to keep them working in good condition.

2.3 Avoid Dairy Products

Drinking dairy can be one of the habits that damage your intestines

Dairy products are another food that causes irritable bowel syndrome in some people. In general, many dairy products make you feel bad, are not digested easily, and lack fiber.

They also have fat and lactose, which can cause digestive problems, that may lead to diarrhea or constipation. If you’re sensitive to them, drinking dairy products can be one of the habits that damage your intestines.

  • A health tip: It’s simple, just replace cow’s milk with natural and healthy substitutes like oat milk, rice milk, almond milk, walnut milk, or even pistachio milk. These are easy to find in supermarkets and you can even make them yourself. It’s worth giving it a try.

3. Taking medication

Taking medications is one of the habits that damage your intestines

There are some studies that claim that certain health problems in your intestines may be related to the use of antibiotics. Moreover, there are a lot of people who have started to develop this disease right after having experienced a severe infection. Increased use of this kind of medication may be one of the habits that damage your intestines.

But why is that, you ask? Antibiotics do not distinguish between good and bad bacteria. Their function is basically to get rid of any microorganism they meet, which is why they may cause imbalances in your intestinal flora.

But, proceed with caution, because the same thing can be said of other medications like the ones that you use for constipation or diarrhea, for example. It’s always best to resort to natural remedies in these cases before pharmaceutical drugs.

In any case, it’s wise to always consult your doctor for his or her opinion. They will talk to you about the secondary effects of any medicine that you’re taking.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.